Cons Explained

  • No coverage for pre-existing conditions: You can’t receive reimbursement for pre-existing conditions or any related conditions. Members can also choose to vote against accepting new members with pre-existing conditions. 
  • 30-day waiting period: You have to wait 30 days after enrolling to receive any coverage for injuries or illness. 
  • Not customizable: The downside of this single comprehensive plan is the lack of customization in the form of different plan types or riders.
  • Community approval required for membership: Unlike other pet treatment plans, your membership with Eusoh requires approval from the existing community. If you have an older pet, or a pet that is likely to require a lot of medical treatment, the community may not allow you to join.


Eusoh is not pet insurance, but it functions similarly; coverage for treatments is funded not by the company but through a peer-to-peer cost-sharing model. Its single comprehensive plan includes accident, illness, wellness, medication, and unlimited televet coverage.


Eusoh may offer a valuable service, but it's not actually pet insurance. For some more traditional options, see our picks for the best pet insurance carriers.

Company Overview

Eusoh’s coverage for pet treatments looks a bit different than typical pet insurance policies, as the company isn’t the one footing the bill when it’s time to file a claim. Instead, Eusoh relies on peer-to-peer sharing to keep costs down—all members pay monthly fees, and those fees are used to pay for treatments. Dr. Allen Kamrava founded Eusoh in 2017 to help consumers escape inflated pet insurance costs.2 The catch? Other members have to vote to allow your pet to join this community.3 

The product offering is simple. Eusoh has one comprehensive plan that provides coverage for dogs and cats, covering accidents, illness, wellness, and medication. You’ll also enjoy unlimited televet coverage, which means you don’t have to run to a pricey vet appointment whenever you have a question about your furry friend’s health. The policy is quite comprehensive, and it could be a convenient alternative to traditional insurance.


Unlike many pet insurance companies, Eusoh’s plan combines both emergency and wellness coverage.

Available Plans

Comprehensive Community Pet Healthcare

Eusoh only offers one plan that includes accident, illness, wellness, medication, and unlimited televet coverage. This plan is unique in the sense that it is subscription-based and no premiums are collected in advance. Your monthly rate won’t increase based on your pet’s age. Eusoh’s well-rounded coverage supports a wide variety of medical issues, including bilateral conditions in some cases, but only dogs and cats are covered.4

Covered Treatment Accident/Illness/Wellness Plan
Live vet chat 24/7
Exam fees
Bilateral conditions Depends on medical history
Genetic conditions
Congenital conditions
Rehabilitation/alternative care
Prescription medication
Behavioral problems X
Prescription diets X
Non-routine dental ✓ 
Annual checkups

Waiting Periods

A waiting period is a set amount of time at the beginning of a policy when coverage is restricted. With Eusoh, there is a 30-day waiting period for both injury and illness coverage, but you won’t ever run into an extended waiting period for specific conditions (some companies may require a longer initial waiting period for certain conditions, but Eusoh does not). 

Cancellation Policy 

You have the option to cancel your plan with Eusoh at any time. If you’re still within the first 30 days of your membership, you can cancel your policy and withdraw your initial payments without facing any penalty. If you decide to cancel after that but within your first year, you will forfeit your initial deposit.

If you remain a member for at least one year, you will be allowed to withdraw your deposit and any unused care contributions in full. The same refund policy applies if your pet passes away at any time.5 

Available Riders/Add-Ons

A rider is an optional coverage type that can be added to a policy. Because the Eusoh plan is comprehensive and includes accident, illness, wellness, and unlimited televet coverage, it doesn’t offer riders or any additional product offerings.

Plan Exclusions

There are some exceptions to what Eusoh plans will cover. They do not cover routine medications (like heartworm preventatives), spaying/neutering, dental cleanings, grooming, breeding, food, declawing, or pre-existing conditions.6

Pre-Existing Conditions

Eusoh doesn’t provide coverage for pre-existing conditions or any related conditions. You may be able to become a Eusoh member if your pet has a medical condition, but you won’t receive reimbursement for treatment of that condition. Your pet may be considered “cured” of a pre-existing condition and therefore eligible for coverage for that condition, but how Eusoh handles those situations varies by illness.

Although pre-existing conditions won’t disqualify you from membership, keep in mind that the Eusoh community must vote to allow you to join. If you have an older pet that may require more than the average amount of medical treatment, the community may vote to reject your application.

Plan Pricing

Unlike most pet insurance plans, Eusoh’s insurance alternative doesn’t vary in cost due to factors like age and breed or the size of your deductible. Instead, Eusoh charges a monthly subscription fee of $17 and a shared-care contribution that maxes at $55 per month. Monthly fees can’t surpass $65.7

The annual out-of-pocket cost is only $250. The out-of-pocket works similarly to a deductible—the amount you must pay for medical treatments before receiving reimbursement.8 The average reimbursement percentage is 80%, and the maximum reimbursement you can receive in a year is $8,500.9

Customers can also apply for need-based discounts by contacting customer service.


Eusoh’s claim process is pretty straightforward. You will visit your vet and pay for any services up front. Then you will submit your invoice and receipt (with a photo) to the Eusoh community for reimbursement. The reimbursement amount for any given treatment will be based on national average pricing plus a variance to account for differences in pricing across the country.10


Once the monthly billing cycle ends on the 28th of each month, your approved reimbursement will be automatically deposited into your Eusoh wallet. Payouts are only disbursed electronically; you can’t receive a paper check.11

Customer Service

If you require customer support regarding your Eusoh membership, you can either fill out an online contact form and wait for a response or you can call the support line at (424) 389-0588, Monday to Friday, from 9 to 5 p.m. PST.12

Alternative Choices

There are plenty of pet insurance providers on the market, so take the time to look around and find the right fit for your pet and wallet. When shopping for pet insurance (or other kinds of coverage, like that offered by Eusoh) here are a few important questions to ask so you can determine which policy is the best deal.

  • What are the coverage limits?
  • What is the monthly premium?
  • What is the deductible or out-of-pocket expense?
  • What are the coverage exclusions?
  • Is there a wellness policy, and does it include grooming and routine care?
  • Are dental cleanings or oral surgeries included?
  • Is there a pet cutoff age?


   Eusoh Trusted Pals Pets Best
Annual Deductible Options $250 out-of-pocket $0, $100, $250, $500, $750 $50, $100, $200, $250, $500, $1,000
Reimbursement Percentage  80% 70%, 80%, 90%, 100% 70%, 80%, 90%
Average Claim Turnaround Time   1–30 days 10 days 20–25 days
Illness Waiting Period  30 days 14 days 14 days
Injury Waiting Period  30 days 14 days 3 days
Exam Coverage  Yes Yes Yes
Dental Illness Coverage  Yes Yes Yes
Max Enrollment Age Limit  None None None

Eusoh is an affordable alternative option to pet insurance with a unique peer-to-peer sharing model. The trade-off for this affordability is a lack of customization and a reliance on the community for claim approval, but Eusoh’s comprehensive policy does provide solid protection.


Our Methodology: How We Review Pet Insurance Carriers

Investopedia is dedicated to providing consumers with unbiased, comprehensive reviews of pet insurance companies. We rated 25 providers and collected over 2,000 data points, including information about plan options, company features, and fees and limits, to ensure that our reviews help users make informed decisions for their pet insurance needs. 

Our full pet insurance methodology, including our data collection process and weighted data points, is available for review.