This methodology has helped improved our website from <500 organic traffic to over 50,000+ organic buyer hungry visitors in less than 14 months.
MOST of all, this project has withstood any major Google core updates.

Let dive in;

- Finding the domains
- Data cleanup
- Finding Emails
- Email Warmups
- Writing professional copies
- Bargaining and Final link acquisition.
- What do you think?

- Finding the domains

Gone are the days where you blatantly purchase links from a list of websites in excel spreadsheet.


If you're doing this, hundreds of other people are doing the same thing, which in most times, turns the approach to buying from a LINK FARM.

If you're serious with your link building, you should be piggybacking on what your top 10 competitors are doing.

and that's what I'm going to show.

The first tool needed here is AHREFS.

Go to AHREFS and Insert your domain name.

Now head over to ORGANIC COMPETITORS tab.

Why you ask?
You don't just want to be building links from a list of outdated spreadsheets, we're investing our time and money on what's working.

If you're trying to build a real business, you should stick around.

The best way to find what's working is to pilfer on links our competitors are building.
MOREOVER, if they're ranking better for our target keywords, this obviously shows Google love what they're doing regarding their OFF-PAGE SEO.

Moving forward,
Here we have a list of top organic competitors,

The next PHASE would be piggybacking on competitors and using the following filter to get the best out of it.

To make things easier, Here is the URL with filter structure, just switch the domain name:

Using the filter,
We've cleaned up the data from over 2100+ links to approximately 51 decent links we can build on.

The next phase you ask?
GO AHEAD, rinse and repeat for the next 5-10 SERP competitors. Depending on the number of links planned out for the year.
I, ideally recommend having a MINIMUM of 3-12 months plan.

The output gives a list of unique websites you can get decent links from. (Click to play)

Now with approximately 8 competitors decent links downloaded on MacBook.

Open, Extract and Put all these URLs in a single folder.
Now compiling the full list of our competitor domains, we have in total 556 domains of our top competitors.


Get in Touch!

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Skype - shalabh.mishra

Telegram - shalabhmishra

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