Today, I'm going to show you how I do Keyword Research for free.

Tools we are going to use:

Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator :
Keyword Engineer ( Free tool to find keywords shared on BHW ) :
MozBar from Moz (This is a google chrome extension we are going to use to check DA of the websites): search for it on google

All these tools are free

We are going to use the Keyword Engineer tool to find keywords that are getting searched on Google, Ahrefs keyword generator to check if the keywords have any search volume (remember that this tool is free and you wont get the exact search volume of the keywords and the Keyword Difficulty will be way off but it will give us a good idea if the keyword actually has some search volume and its worth going after it.)
We gonna use MozBar to check the DA of competitors ranking on first page and decide if we can rank for the keyword.

Ok, first you will have to go to the Keyword Engineer tool to get keyword ideas. I like to check for keywords with best word in the beginning to get some good commercial keywords.
Remember, I want to get keywords that are easy to rank here so I am looking for long tail keywords.

To check for these (in this case I am using coffee maker as example), I use the base keyword "Best coffee maker for"
choose United States, choose English language, tick the sources you want to scrape keywords from and start the search. Leave the search to work for 4-5 minutes before stopping it.

After you stop the search, check at the "Suggested by multiple sources" section for the keywords.
Now you will see a lot of keywords, you will check them and take those you think you can write articles about.

Here are the results I got from my search of "Best coffee maker for"

At the suggested by multiple sources, I decided to check the keyword : best coffee maker for hot coffee
Now take this keyword and go to google to check if how many people ranking in page 1 of google are actually targeting this keyword

After a quick search on Google, I found out only 1 website in the first page that was targeting this keyword( it wasn't actually targeting the specific search because he targeted coffee makers that keeps coffee hot while we are looking for the best coffee makers for hot coffee). Check this:


When you find these keywords that no one is targeting, you found great keywords you can rank for. Next step is to check the DA of website ranking for the keyword. As you can see from the screenshot, MozBar is not showing DA of the website that has the snippet. If this happens, just open the website in a new tab and the DA will be shown in the toolbar


Ok, this website has DA 27 and PA 34, so its not going to be easy to beat him, but still if this website is not targeting your actual keyword you can still go for it, even if you are in the second place you still going to get traffic from it.

After you found a keyword with Keyword Engineer, check the google for the competition with MozBar, now its finally time to check if this Keyword has any Search Volume.

Go to Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator and put the keyword there, choose United States and click Find Keywords, in some cases it will ask you to complete a CAPTCHA, do it and see the results.


As you can see, it shows that this Keyword actually has a Search Volume of 100 (Don't trust these numbers, from my experience if this tool showed a keyword had 100 search volume, it usually had 2x or 3x of that), the only reason we are using this tool is to actually see if the keyword has some search volume and its worth going for it. Don't pay attention to KD, it usually is way off, and even if it shows KD 45 here, we checked the SERPs and we saw that no one was targeting this keyword. If I had a website in this niche, I would go for this keyword.

Look at another keyword I found with Keyword Engineer, none of the websites in page 1 was targeting this specific keyword

It has search volume, probably at 100 Search Volume/month, KD 56 because there are authority sites in page 1 but none of them target this keyword for black coffee,

There are a lot of authority sites in this niche, that's why most of the keyword show a high KD in Ahrefs, probably if you go for different niche (easier one), you will find a lot of 0 KD with a lot of Search Volume keywords, that no one is targeting. You will rank for those keywords in 1 week at most.

This is how I do Keyword Research for free in 2022, one other thing I use to do is, after I have some decent traffic, I go to google search console to check if I am ranking for other long tail keywords that bring a lot of impressions, and manually check them on google to see if someone is targeting them.

Using the above method, I usually find keywords no one is using and have around 200-300 Search Volume, try to use this method in your niche with the keyword "Best 'your niche' for " (replace your niche with your niche), and find great commercial keywords where you can put affiliate links and earn money.

All the tools in this method are free, all you have to do is spent some time searching, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
I am using this keyword research method in a new website, I am ranking for some affiliate keywords, and yesterday I made my fist Amazon sale, 0.59$ commission LOL, but still at least its a start.


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