This is another short case study - or more accurately an observation - on the power of backlinks from strong domains, regardless of topical relevance.

This is a domain that I manage (Its an ecommerce website) and as you can see, it doesn't have strong metrics at all -

In September last year it randomly received a backlink from a really strong domain, to an inner product page -


Since receiving that link, the page has steadily increased its traffic as well as its organic keyword rankings -


It is also ranking at #9 for this keyword which is a little higher in competition than the others (Which admitedly are all quite low competition keywords according to ahrefs) -

And for the above keyword, here is the list of sites in the top 10 along with their DR -

#1 96
#2 69
#3 90
#4 92
#5 32
#6 91
#7 7 (My domain)
#8 78
#9 78
#10 73

Like my previous short case study this isn't anything that you guys don't already know, but its just a demonstration of how powerful a single backlink can be, if its from a strong domain and how much impact it can have even on a website that has really low metrics and not much off page SEO being done to it (At the time we had not started work on offpage SEO for this website so it was a brand new domain for all intents and purposes).

Interesting things to note about this backlink -

  • The linking domain is in a completely different niche to my website
  • The article which contained the link was also on an almost entirely unrelated topic to my website
  • The anchor text was exact match (A reference placed in brackets to a product being discussed in the article)

What is also interesting is that other pages relating to very similar products are also improving in ranking since this backlink was gained -

This is another product that is the same brand but a close variation of the one that received the backlink -

And its not internal linking as there are no links from the first product to this one.

This is another product in the same category but a different brand, which is also starting to rank for quite a few keywords -

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