REFUND POLICY- Refund Policy:

We strive to provide the best services that work. Please note that all sales are final and refunds are not provided due to the nature of the service except for and only in the following condition, a full refund will be initiated if we were unable to deliver the service in case of a technical failure (0 spectators).


- There will be a reset time every 24 hours(bypass check) where the Livestream spectators will be reset back to "0 viewers". Just notify us with the link and we will add back the viewers.

- We will need the URL of your Livestream video/videos every time you restart them.

- [TAT]:- Promotion will start 5-20 minutes after your live broadcast begins.

- [Package validity period]:- According to the package you choose [7 days/1 months]. Please note that even if you don't issue or use the service, the validity will expire in 7 days or 1 month depending on the package you choose. Please be sure to use the service after purchasing from us within the validity period mentioned on packages.

- The Live Streaming videos must be PUBLIC, Unrestricted, and Open to ALL countries.

- Please note that mixing this service with other viewing services is not recommended. Don't try to buy other viewer services on top of this. in such cases, the service will be deactivated and no refunds will be provided.

- The prices mentioned in the above packs are for "1 Livestream Video"


There will be a 20% Discount on the total amount if you're buying any of the Livestream packs for 3 or more Livestream videos at once.



Get in Touch!

Website - https://perfectmarketingsolution.com/
Skype - shalabh.mishra
Telegram - shalabhmishra
Email - info@perfectmarketingsolution.com