I've been in the Twitter game since around 2012 and built a current following of close to 2 million. I'm offering a service where I can gain you real followers, by retweeting your tweets to a massive audience.

  • No 'fake' followers.
  • No need to follow/unfollow using bots
  • No need for you to buy fake followers/retweets/likes, to make your account look more popular
  • No 'shout-outs', which just makes people follow you because they've been asked to

People follow you because they've seen your tweet being retweeted, checked your profile out, and follow as it interests them. Whilst I have another gig which offers tweets for $6 each, this is better value, as you're actually growing your own profile's followers. Once you have enough, the 'snowball effect' takes place where your followers grow organically.

A very straightforward process:

1. I'll help you come up with tweets for your account, that relate to your profile and also relate to my audience.
2. I'll then Retweet those tweets.
3. As your 'reach' will increase drastically, people will see your profile and follow if they wish to do so. Some will - some won't.
4. This is repeated until your followers has grown by 1000 followers.

What Twitter profiles will not be accepted?

I will first need to check your profile prior to accepting an order, as some just won't be suitable. But to give you an idea, these won't be accepted:

  • Accounts promoting anything illegal. It has to be legal worldwide
  • Anything that isn't family-friendly (such as adult content)
  • Accounts that just look like spam, such as accounts filled with affiliate offers, or offer very little quality
  • Accounts that don't tweet 100% in English.
  • Accounts that have clearly bought fake followers (this will be checked).

Are there any free reviews?

I will be offering 3 free reviews to Junior VIP members in due course, which will appear in the Jr VIP section of the site.

The following are stats from one of several profiles that I've helped to grow:

What's the TAT?

Some profiles are easier to grow than others, however, 14-21 days will be my target. It would be possible to grow faster, but I don't want to annoy my followers with loads of Retweets.

Terms of Order:

1. You agree not to use any bots whilst the service is underway. So no following/unfollowing
2. You agree not to buy any followers/retweets/likes
3. You agree not to tweet anything out that we haven't agreed upon. This is purely because it might annoy your existing followers, resulting in them unfollowing, and me having to promote you for longer to make up for the drop

What's the Price?

$100 for 1000 followers / $60 for 500 followers, via Paypal. The order is started on completion of payment.

How to order

1. Send me a PM letting me know your Twitter profile handle/URL. Or drop a message on this thread and I'll contact you.
2. I'll check your profile out and let you know if I think it's suitable.
3. If it is suitable, we then simply sort payment out via Paypal and the order can begin.

You can also contact me on Skype: mrkingcabbage

Refund Policy

A refund is given, if you decide to cancel the order, prior to me retweeting one of your tweets for the first time. If you break any of the 3 Terms listed above under Terms of Order, then no refund will be given.

This is a natural way to build followers. If people aren't interested in what your profile is about, they simply won't follow.

Get in Touch!

Website - https://perfectmarketingsolution.com/
Skype - shalabh.mishra
Telegram - shalabhmishra
Email - info@perfectmarketingsolution.com