Q. How many keywords do you recommend per package?
A. We recommend 1-3-5 accordingly. We will be doing a lot of diversification with
longtail keywords, raw urls, brand name and generic keywords.So we will use your money keywords with the
PBN links and diversify everything else. But this is your package you can do what you wish with your keywords.

Q. How many URL's can I use?
A. You can use as many as you want from 1 domain, but of course we will make recommendations as needed.

Q. Do you accept foreign websites / keywords?
A. Yes, but all keywords must use standard characters.

Q. Do you guarantee results?
A. No, we can only go by our past results for other clients. Everyone's site behaves differently.

Q. Do you have any custom SEO package?
A. We can tailor a package for your needs, just contact us and we can discuss it.

Q. Is this Recurring or a One-Time Package?
A. This is a recurring SEO package. You will receive new PBN links each month and we will continue to build out your web 2.0 properties to turn
them into your own authority network while still getting all new links as well. Any questions about this PM me or get me on Skype and I will explain everything.

If you do not want your package to be recurring, just cancel the recurring payment and we will know that you want a one-time package.

Get in Touch!

Website - https://perfectmarketingsolution.com/
Skype - shalabh.mishra
Telegram - shalabhmishra
Email - info@perfectmarketingsolution.com