How to refinance when you have a second mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage is a complicated process on its own. If you have a home equity line of credit or a home equity loan, things get even more difficult.

Refinancing the home equity loan or line of credit isn’t too difficult, but refinancing your primary mortgage takes extra effort. You’ll either have to pay off the second loan before refinancing or get your second lender to agree to something known as resubordination. Getting that agreement is far from a guarantee.

Can you refinance a second mortgage?

The good news for borrowers is that you can refinance a second mortgage without too much additional effort. The reason for this is that your second loan is already subordinate to your primary mortgage, so refinancing it doesn’t change the order of priority for lenders who may want to make a claim against your home if you stop making payments.

To refinance, you’ll need to meet typical mortgage requirements, such as having sufficient equity, good credit, and enough income to afford the new loan.

Pros and cons of refinancing your second mortgage

Before refinancing a second mortgage, consider the pros and cons to make sure it’s a good idea.


  • Refinancing can lower your interest rate, saving you money
  • Reduce your monthly payments by lowering the rate or extending the term
  • Move from a variable rate to fixed rate loan


  • Refinancing means paying closing costs
  • You may have to settle for a higher interest rate if market rates have risen or your credit has dropped.

5 steps for refinancing your second mortgage

Refinancing a second mortgage is a lot like refinancing any other loan. You’ll need to follow these steps.

  • Check your eligibility. Make sure you have sufficient equity and good enough credit to qualify.
  • Determine your goals. Are you refinancing to lower your monthly payment, secure a lower rate, or something else. The answer will guide your loan search.
  • Compare lenders. Look at the loans offered by different lenders and try to find the best one for your situation.
  • Apply. Fill out an application and wait to get approved. Be ready to provide financial documents to show your eligibility and to deal with the full lending process, including home appraisals and the like.
  • Avoid applying for other loans. Changes to your credit during underwriting can be a big red flag, so don’t apply for other loans after you apply and before the refinance is finalized.

Can you refinance your primary mortgage when you have a second mortgage?

Yes, it’s possible to refinance your primary mortgage if you have a second loan, but it gets more complicated.

Typically, your primary lender has the first claim if you default on your mortgage, with the second mortgage lender having the second claim. If you refinance your primary mortgage, your second mortgage will become the oldest loan against the home, giving the second lender first claim in the event of default.

To refinance your primary mortgage, you’ll usually need to get the second lender to agree to resubordination, ceding the first claim in the event of default to the primary lender again. That usually means paying fees and some lenders won’t be willing to resubordinate.

If you want to go this route, before you can refinance your primary mortgage, your lender must submit a subordination package — all of the documents supporting the request — to the institution holding your home equity loan or line of credit. The second mortgage lender, if they want to go along, typically charges a few hundred dollars to review the package, and approval can take up to six weeks.

Options when resubordination is denied

If your home equity lender says no to resubordination but you still want to refinance, one solution would be to pay off the second loan, if you have the resources or possibly through a cash-out refinance.

However, you must retain at least 20 percent equity in the property after the cash-out refinance or you’ll have to pay private mortgage insurance. That extra cost could put the savings from a refi far away.

Keep in mind that adding extra debt to your refinance may make lenders less keen to underwrite the new loan. That means that your rate may be slightly higher.

Another route is to find a lender who will do a simultaneous first and second mortgage refinance. This way you can keep the second mortgage credit line and get a new first. A mortgage broker may be able to assist you with this and other types of refis that involve a second mortgage.

Frequently asked questions about refinancing a second mortgage 

How does refinancing a second mortgage impact your credit score?

Applying for any new loan will lower your credit score by a few points temporarily. As you pay down the refinanced loan, your score should improve based on your dropping debt and improving payment history.

Is refinancing a second mortgage worth it?

Refinancing a second mortgage can be worth doing in a few scenarios, such as when you can save money overall, reduce your monthly payment, or convert from a variable interest rate to a fixed one.