Finding a good deal on a mortgage loan used to be challenging. If you wanted to find refinancing quotes or mortgage quotes, you'd need to play phone tag with bank after bank, or comb the financial pages of your local newspaper for more leads. Then, the Internet grew up. Today, your next mortgage is only a few clicks away, and the process of finding it is both quick and painless.

Starting gate for mortgage loan quotes

Let your fingers do the walking-your best bet for securing a variety of competitive mortgage loan quotes is to comparison-shop online. offers you access to quotes from four to five different lenders by merely filling out a simple form. Set the on-screen options to fit your individual situation. Are you looking for a refinancing quote, or a rate quote for a new home purchase? A home equity loan or line of credit? Make sure to indicate the state in which your (prospective) home is located, and how much money you need to borrow. Then you're ready to hit "submit."

After that, you'll receive mortgage loan quotes from several lenders, with clearly defined loan points, interest rates, and APR figures. They can also provide details on anticipated closing costs. You may also receive e-mail follow-ups from local loan professionals who are eager to compete for your business.

Average rates for 15 and 30 year fixed as well as 5/1 ARM for the past three months.

Where's the catch?

If it all sounds simple, that's because it is. You could still spend hours submitting the same information to one bank at a time; but in this day and age of high-speed Internet access, there's really no need to. It's important, however, to understand the specific loan quote you are receiving. One lender may offer you a low pie-in-the-sky introductory rate that will eventually give way to a much higher regular rate. Make sure you compare apples to apples.

By using the Internet to find your mortgage, you'll no longer need to play phone tag. You'll have freed up so much time, the only tag you'll be playing is with your children.

Do you want a quote?

Click HERE to get mortgage quotes from top lenders in our network.

Further information:

  • Mortgage refinance
  • Fannie Mae
  • FHA Streamline Refinance
  • VA Loans
  • Jumbo Loans
  • Documents you need for a mortgage refinance
  • Second mortgage