As millions spent the past few weeks wrapping countless presents, waiting in line at department stores, or shopping online, other families were busy wrapping boxes full of dishes and clothes, waiting for loans and real estate deals to close, and shopping online for new school districts and neighborhoods.  While this space is often devoted to helping you navigate the often-tricky mortgage and real estate world, let’s assume, for a moment, that you’ve bought a new home and closed on your mortgage.  First, pat yourself on the back – well done!  Ok – enough celebrating already. 

Ready to apply for your mortgage? Try MortgageBite’s Free rate comparison platform today and get the best deal.

Now you must move the contents of your home to your new abode, which is never fun and often costly.  So what can you do to stop worrying about the cost to move, and spend more time enjoying your new home?  Zillow has a look at three factors to keep in mind, whether you are ready to move right now, or will be at some point in 2017:

How much professional moving do you need?  If you’re able to pack and move yourself, you’ll save a bundle.  However, if you’ve got large, heavy, or priceless items that need to be moved, it is probably best to hire a pro instead of your Uncle Joe or college roommate.  But bear in mind that you’ll face additional costs if movers can’t get the truck near your location, or if narrow roads or weak bridges are in the way.  If the movers will have to haul items through the window and hoist them down, that will likely be expensive.  Other charges could include flight (for stairs) or elevator fees.  Additionally, if you need to store items for any length of time, factor that cost in as well. When you move is crucial.  If you’ve already priced moving costs, you know that moving companies charge significantly more during the peak summer months.  If you can time your move for September through May, you’ll save big bucks.  Also, watch out for weekends and holidays, which will add to the expense.  If you can move on a Tuesday, that’s likely your best bet! Moving insurance.  While you’ll likely get basic liability coverage included in the costs, it may only cover 60 cents per pound per item, and that may not be enough to keep you from worrying about your grand piano, artwork, or family heirlooms.  You may want to ask about the cost for full value protection.

If you’ve bought a new home and are ready to move – congratulations!  Now it’s time to do your homework and find out how you can save on moving costs.  Want to know more? Check out 3 Factors That Can Affect Your Moving Estimate for more tips from Zillow!