The days are long, the sun is out, and it’s time for “Hot Event Summer”. Those seeking experiences are flocking back to live events – in the first quarter of 2022 alone, Eventbrite processed 700,000 tickets every day. With the festival and holiday season upon us, now is the time to ignite your ticket sales.

Whether you’re promoting a music festival such as Fi.Fest 22 or a Gin & Rum Festival , your event marketing needs to sizzle. And Eventbrite Boost is here to help.

When you subscribe to Boost, you’ll get exclusive insights about events and attendees that make your marketing budget go further. In fact, the average return on ad spend (ROAS) for Boost is an impressive 5:1. Using the only all-in-one marketing platform designed specifically for event creators, Boost subscribers sell 63% more tickets after using our tools to promote their events. Now that’s hot!

Best of all, Boost helps you spend less time on your marketing. And with your summer events ablaze, every second counts. Use these summer marketing tips to help your events stand out and sell out all season long.

1. Make a splash with an eye-catching email

Remind your fans that your event is right around the corner with Boost’s email marketing tools. Stop playing around with wording and save time with pre-filled templates. Just update your event details, customise the visuals, and press send.

2. Share on LinkedIn and make organic social a breeze

Build your brand credibility by sharing organic posts on LinkedIn. A key part of your marketing strategy, sharing organic posts on LinkedIn is a great way to build trust among your attendees – and stay visible. Plus, Eventbrite lets you get ahead of the game and schedule your organic posts in advance, which is something you can’t do natively on LinkedIn.

3. “Seas the day” with Multi-Event Ads and advertise your whole calendar with one campaign

If summer is your event season, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the many ad campaigns you’ll need to create. With Boost’s Multi-Event Ads, you can generate a rotating Facebook or Instagram ad campaign that automatically showcases all upcoming events in your calendar. From the height of summer to August Bank Holiday (and beyond), we’ve got you covered.

4. Put your art first and your marketing on autopilot like Vintage Arts Asylum

Josh Harvey-Gomez, the Creative Director/Producer/Instructor for Vintage Arts Asylum, finds Eventbrite particularly useful for getting to know his audience and their needs. “What I find helpful is the ability to get information about the type of clientele that I have, whether it’s their age group or the areas that they live – that’s been a pretty big perk.” Powered by the top global ticketing platform, Boost lets Harvey-Gomez manage his events and his event marketing in one central location. Learn how Harvey-Gomez plans his live music events with Boost.

5. Put your contact list on cruise control with Boost’s automatic updates

No more worrying about keeping your contact lists up to date after an event. With Boost’s email tools, those who purchase tickets to your events are automatically added to your subscriber list for easy re-engagement.

6. Share your (Instagram) story and build your community

Brand loyalty is the result of communicating authentically with your followers – and committing to your community. With Boost’s Instagram Story Ads, you can attract a wider audience, even when you’re between events.

7. Get your groove on by including video in your social ads

It’s no secret: ads with video outperform those with still images. If you produce a festival or a summer concert series, including event footage is a great way to entice your attendees. And here’s something you might like the sound of: music promoters sell 28% more tickets after using Boost to advertise their events.

8. Drive attendance like The Royal Institution does

Martin Davies, Public Programme Manager for The Royal Institution, believes marketing its events with Eventbrite has helped to drive attendance. “We certainly noticed an uptick in event attendance when we switched to Eventbrite. It has so many advantages over our old system; from easier payment procedures to e-tickets on smartphones, it’s a much more professional system. I had always suspected that we used to lose about 10% of potential sales from people trying and failing to book a seat easily using our old site.”

9. Reach the right people with exclusive Eventbrite targeting insights

Figuring out how to target different audiences with your social ads can be tricky, especially when you get into the world of interest targeting. Thankfully, you can take the guesswork out of targeting with Boost’s Smart Audiences tool. It’s powered by Eventbrite’s unique insights about events and event attendees, and one click lets you show your ads to a set of attendees who are sure to love events just like yours.

10. Make your life easier with Boost’s reporting

Event RSVPs, new followers, ticket sales, return on ad spend (ROAS): Boost’s clear reporting gives you at-a-glance information about your marketing campaigns. A quick peek lets you know you’re on track – or helps you see what needs changing. Spend less time analysing data and more time reading that new thriller on your Kindle.

11. Grow your network like the pros at World’s Best Connectors

Through professional development workshops and networking conferences, World’s Best Connectors virtually connects business C-suite executives. And for WBC’s CEO Denise Meredith, marketing those events means relying on Eventbrite Boost. “Using Boost is the best way to get your message out to a lot of people – people who already know you and people who don’t know you yet.” Read the rest of Meredith’s story.

12. Create paid social ads with ready-made templates and built-in design tools

You’ve got events to organise – who’s got time to reinvent the wheel? With Boost’s paid social ad templates and Canva integration, promoting your events is as simple as plug and play.

13. Prepare for the unexpected with a backup plan like Guardian Live

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Guardian Live had to fully pivot to live online events in just one month. Lyndal Reed, Head of Strategy and Development at Guardian Live, notes that this was “largely driven by a desire to continue to serve [the] existing audience and deliver – in whatever way possible – [a] very popular live events programme.” Eventually, they decided on a livestreaming platform that could support tens of thousands of attendees. Rather than cancel your event, have a plan B that lets you pivot without leaving your fans in the lurch.

14. Spread the word faster with always-on marketing

With Boost’s generous send limits, you can email up to 6,000 contacts per day. Feel like creating promotional material from the sidelines of your event? Learn more about Eventbrite’s email tools.

15. Declutter your tech with a centralised marketing hub

If you skipped spring cleaning, it’s not too late to tidy up your tech tools and spark some joy. With Eventbrite Boost, event marketing and event management exist in the same easy-to-use space.

As Patty Pforte, Senior Marketing Manager for Public Programs at CIIS tells us, “I like a good emoji or a GIF, so I’m always happy to see those when they’re there. You feel like you’re being boosted by the platform.”

See how you can market your events with Eventbrite Boost Multi-Event Ads.