Our Event Trends Report found 55% of event planners in the UK and Ireland identified diversity as a key area of focus for 2020. Here are the steps you can take to ensure everyone feels welcome at your next event.

  • Be the change you want to see

Creators have their sights set on inclusivity, and over the past year we have spoken to people who have found the inspiration to run an event because of a gap in the current offering. 

For example, Sanchia Legister created Gyal Flex classes because she couldn’t find a traditional yoga practice that suited her. By adding an element of hip hop, she says her yoga events are “slowly becoming more representative and the room is starting to look like a London tube or bus because of all the different kinds of people here, which is great”. 

  • Create a code of conduct

Talking of leading by example, other forward-thinking event professionals are taking additional steps, such as proactively looking for diverse speakers and writing a code of conduct that promotes diversity. 

It’s this kind of all-encompassing approach that prompted survey respondents to comment on the measures they are currently taking, such as: “asking if materials need to be in large print or braille, and making sure that there are hearing loops and that venues are fully accessible”. 

This is in addition to adding wellness elements to events “such as quiet rooms and meditation classes” and tapping into consumers’ desire for “non-alcoholic drinks and health-conscious food options”. 

  • Pursue positive partnerships 

Working with like-minded people and finding partners and sponsors who are committed to similar causes can really give your event a boost and strengthen your message.

As the organiser of Mother Club, the first official post-parade party of the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Festival in Dublin City, Cormac Cashman spoke to us of his desire to work with partners who are committed to the same cause: “It’s important to work with sponsors who want to build a tangible connection to the LGBTQ+ community. We like to see our sponsors engaging with the LGBTQ+ community outside our events as well as at them.”

  • Share your efforts on social media

With 69% of respondents looking for new ways to promote events to a more diverse audience, it’s worth thinking about how you can shake up your social media marketing strategy in 2020. By sharing the steps that you are taking to promote diversity and inclusivity, not only will you start to build a loyal following, but you will also have the opportunity to connect with a bigger pool of potential attendees. 

Remember, supporting inclusivity and diversity is more than a box-ticking exercise and there are lots of ways you can ensure everyone is represented at your next event.