Germany has reopened its borders to most foreigners, but some criteria have to be met, and specific formalities have to be completed upon arrival. So if you are planning to move there after the COVID-19 crisis, learn about what's changing in terms of entry conditions and visas, employment, real estate, education, lifestyle, etc. Since July 2, 2020, most foreign nationals are allowed to enter Germany without any restrictions. However, exceptions apply where there is no reciprocity agreement. Note that the list of COVID-safe countries is updated regularly, so make sure to have a look before planning your move. Also, keep in mind that your eligibility to travel to Germany depends not your nationality but on the country where you stayed before your move. In addition, citizens from third countries that are not COVID-safe have to meet specific conditions. In fact, you are allowed to enter the country if you are the holder of a valid residence permit, if you're visiting your family or for family reunification, or if distance learning is not an option following your enrolment in a German university. Highly-qualified foreign experts and professionals whose presence is essential for the German economy, healthcare professionals, as well as asylum seekers, are also allowed to enter Germany. Newcomers who have been in a high-risk region during 14 days prior to their move to Germany are required to undergo a COVID-19, head directly to their destination and self-isolate. They must also inform local authorities about their arrival by phone or email. Find out more on the Federal Foreign Office website and the Ministry of the Interior website. The Ministry of Health website is another great source of information. To date, there hasn't been any visa or resident permit changes in Germany. However, foreigners making a short stay in the country can rest assured. Holders of national D visas which will soon expire can request an extension at the nearest immigration office. However, it is recommended that they be in possession of their expired visa and ID documents at all times until their visa has been extended. Those who are abroad when their residence permit expires and are unable to return to Germany can apply for renewal to the nearest Immigration bureau by email. If the request was made before the expiration date, the visa remains valid until the final decision. In the case of re-entry, you will need a Fiktionsbescheinigung, that is to say, a fictitious certificate which will generally be sent to the nearest diplomatic mission to your place of residence. Find out more on the Federal Foreign Office website. On the other hand, some visas such as the Working Holiday Visa and the Au Pair visa will not be issued until further notice. The coronavirus pandemic brought about a job crisis in Germany. According to the Federal Employment Agency, there are currently more than 2.8 million unemployed people in Germany, and by the end of the year, the number could rise to over 3 million. The unemployment rate thus drops to 6.2%. There's also a significant drop in the number of job vacancies. In June, there were only 570,000 vacancies. Aviation, tourism, metallurgy, and the automotive industry, which was already in decline for several months, are some of the most affected sectors by the COVID-19 crisis. Besides, many big companies are already anticipating their difficulties and planning layoffs for the next few years even though they have received government financial aid. In June, for instance, Lufthansa announced the cutting off of some 22,000 jobs, most of which are in Germany. MTU Aero Engines is also planning to cut its workforce by 10% to 15% by the end of 2021 while the Thyssenkrupp conglomerate is cutting 3,000 jobs in its German units. It's also worth noting that over 500,000 companies in  reduced hours which also means wage cuts. In this way, they are trying to preserve their workforce and avoid layoffs. Also, in many sectors, employees still working from home. So if you have always dreamed of working in Germany, now might not be the right time to get started. Besides, it's harder to find a job in Germany when you don't have a work permit.