
Fildena 100 is a well-known treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). Understanding the scientific mechanisms behind its effectiveness can help users appreciate how this medication works.

Active Ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate

Mechanism of Action

Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Fildena 100, belongs to a class of drugs called PDE5 inhibitors. It primarily functions by enhancing the natural erectile response to sexual stimulation.

Inhibition of PDE5 Enzyme

  1. Role of PDE5: Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) is an enzyme that breaks down cGMP, a molecule that regulates blood flow in the penis.
  2. Inhibition Process: By inhibiting PDE5, sildenafil citrate prevents the degradation of cGMP. This leads to increased levels of cGMP in the penile tissues.

Enhanced Blood Flow

  1. Vasodilation: Elevated cGMP levels cause the smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the penis to relax, resulting in vasodilation.
  2. Increased Blood Flow: This relaxation allows for increased blood flow into the penile tissues, which is essential for achieving and maintaining an erection.

Impact of Sexual Stimulation

Nitric Oxide Release

For Fildena 100 to be effective, sexual stimulation is necessary. Sexual arousal triggers the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the penile tissues.

  1. NO and cGMP Production: NO stimulates the production of cGMP, which is crucial for the vasodilation process.
  2. Synergistic Effect: The presence of sildenafil citrate ensures that cGMP is not rapidly broken down, enhancing the erectile response.

Timing and Onset

  1. Absorption: Fildena 100 is typically taken 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity.
  2. Duration: The effects of sildenafil can last for up to four hours, allowing ample time for sexual intercourse.

Efficacy and Clinical Studies

Research and Trials

Numerous clinical studies have validated the efficacy of Fildena 100 in treating ED. These studies highlight:

  1. Success Rates: High success rates in achieving erections sufficient for sexual activity.
  2. Improved Satisfaction: Increased sexual satisfaction and confidence among users.

Safety Profile

  1. Common Side Effects: Mild side effects such as headaches, flushing, and indigestion.
  2. Rare but Serious Effects: Rare occurrences of severe side effects like sudden vision or hearing loss, which require immediate medical attention.


The scientific basis of Fildena 100's function lies in its ability to inhibit the PDE5 enzyme, thereby enhancing cGMP levels and promoting increased blood flow to the penis. This process, coupled with the need for sexual stimulation, ensures that Fildena 100 is an effective and reliable treatment for erectile dysfunction. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine if Fildena 100 is the right choice for you.