In Hindu tradition, Vastu Shastra is a revered practice that emphasizes the harmonious alignment of buildings and spaces to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. Integral to this practice is the concept of Vastu Chakra, which aligns the energies of a space with the natural elements and cosmic forces. By understanding and applying the principles of Vastu Chakra, you can attract and enhance positive energy in your home or workplace. Here’s how you can harness the wisdom of Vastu Chakra to create an environment that nurtures positive energy.

1. Understand the Vastu Chakra Layout

The Vastu Chakra represents the ideal layout of a space, divided into nine zones or areas, each associated with specific aspects of life such as health, wealth, knowledge, and relationships. These zones correspond to the directions and elements that influence the flow of energy. Familiarizing yourself with the Vastu Chakra layout helps in positioning various rooms and elements in a way that maximizes positive energy.

2. Align Rooms with the Correct Directions

Each direction in the Vastu Chakra is associated with different energies:

  • North: Wealth and prosperity
  • East: Health and well-being
  • South: Power and authority
  • West: Creativity and growth

Ensure that key rooms like the kitchen, bedroom, and office are aligned with their respective directions to harness their beneficial energies. For instance, placing the kitchen in the southeast corner (associated with the fire element) helps in fostering prosperity and good health.

3. Incorporate the Five Elements

Vastu Shastra emphasizes the balance of the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space (ether). Each element is linked to different aspects of well-being:

  • Earth: Stability and security
  • Water: Abundance and emotional balance
  • Fire: Energy and transformation
  • Air: Vitality and mental clarity
  • Space: Harmony and growth

Incorporate these elements thoughtfully. For example, place a water feature in the north to attract wealth, and use earthy tones and materials in the southwest to create a sense of stability.

4. Utilize Colors and Lighting

Colors play a significant role in Vastu Chakra, influencing mood and energy. Choose colors that align with the energy you wish to attract:

  • Green: Growth and renewal (ideal for the east and northeast)
  • Blue: Calmness and tranquility (suitable for the west and north)
  • Yellow: Positivity and clarity (perfect for the center of the home)

Proper lighting is also crucial. Ensure that spaces are well-lit, as good lighting enhances energy flow and creates a vibrant atmosphere.

5. Maintain Cleanliness and Order

A clutter-free environment is essential for attracting positive energy. Regularly clean and organize your space to ensure that energy flows smoothly. Clutter can obstruct the flow of positive energy and lead to stagnation. Follow Vastu principles by keeping important areas like the entrance, kitchen, and office area tidy and well-maintained.

6. Position Important Items Mindfully

Place important items, such as your work desk, bed, and dining table, in accordance with Vastu principles. For instance:

  • Work Desk: Place it in the north or east direction to enhance productivity and focus.
  • Bed: Position the bed so that you sleep with your head towards the south or east, promoting restful sleep and good health.
  • Dining Table: Ensure it’s placed in the west or east direction to encourage family harmony and nourishment.

7. Incorporate Symbolic Elements

Symbols and artifacts can enhance the positive energy of a space. Consider incorporating items that align with Vastu principles:

  • Mirrors: Place mirrors on the north or east walls to reflect positive energy.
  • Plants: Use indoor plants to bring freshness and vitality. Choose plants with rounded leaves and place them in the east or northeast.
  • Crystals: Crystals like clear quartz can be placed in specific areas to amplify positive energy and promote well-being.

8. Harness the Power of Sound

Sound vibrations also influence the energy in a space. Use sound-based practices such as.

  • Mantras and Chants: Regular recitation of mantras or chants can create a positive atmosphere and enhance spiritual vibrations.
  • Soft Music: Play calming music or sounds that promote relaxation and focus.

9. Consult a Vastu Expert

If you are seeking to make significant changes or need personalized advice, consulting an Astrologer can provide tailored recommendations. They can assess your space according to the Vastu Chakra and offer guidance on adjustments that align with your specific needs and goals.


Attracting positive energy through Vastu Chakra involves aligning your space with the natural elements, cosmic forces, and spiritual principles of Sanatan Dharma.

By understanding the Vastu Chakra layout, incorporating the five elements, using appropriate colors and lighting, and maintaining cleanliness, you create an environment that fosters well-being, prosperity, and harmony. Embrace these practices to transform your living or working space into a sanctuary of positive energy and spiritual balance.