This is a guest post from Herbfarmacy.

Do you care about saving planet Earth, one wedding at a time? If the answer is ‘I do’, we’ve got just the thing for you. Planning a wedding fair is no easy feat; you’ll need everything from dressmakers and decor retailers to representatives from caterers, florists and venues on your list of invitees – and if you’re organising an event dedicated to environmentally friendly weddings, the challenge can be greater still.

When it comes to matters of sustainability, the key is to practise what you preach. Brides and grooms-to-be with a commitment to green living need a place to find their perfect match – whether that’s a vintage wedding dress, a vegan-friendly evening menu or an eco-friendly outdoor venue – and it’s your job to deliver this smorgasbord of sustainable goodies.

Today, the organic beauty experts at Herbfarmacy are sharing a recipe for the ultimate environmentally friendly wedding fair – breaking down all the ingredients your event will need to be just as green as the weddings you’re helping to plan.

Environmentally friendly wedding accessories

From the decor to the wedding favours to the save the date cards, eco-conscious brides and grooms are on the hunt for all manner of green goodies for their big day – making it your duty to source a broad spectrum of eco-friendly retailers offering these sorts of products. From energy-saving lighting options and recycled tableware sets to organic cotton bunting and biodegradable confetti, the possibilities are practically endless when it comes to eco-friendly wedding accessories – and by inviting a wide variety of exhibitors to your fair, you can guarantee that the world is your attendees’ oyster.

For bonus points, take an equally green approach to your own event decor – packing your venue with antique and reclaimed furniture, as well as all-natural decorative touches – from lush green plant life to a rustic wooden centrepiece.

Organic and cruelty-free catering

At any eco-friendly wedding fair, you can expect your fair share of herbivores – meaning the caterers you invite to your event should include plenty of organic, vegan and vegetarian brands. That way, non-meat-eating brides and grooms can find the cruelty-free wedding cake, main meal or edible favours of their dreams.

Again, this is an area where it pays to walk the walk rather than merely talking the talk. If you’ll be providing food and drinks for exhibitors and attendees, stick to organic, locally sourced produce and don’t forget to cater for any vegans or vegetarians. With an accommodating and Earth-friendly menu, you’re sure to keep guests of all tastes happy and well-fed.

Carbon offsetting

Any steps you can take to reduce the carbon footprint of your event will be welcomed by exhibitors and attendees alike – and the good news is some of the most popular methods are delightfully simple. If your ultimate aim is a carbon neutral event, we’d recommend choosing a destination that will minimise travel for all invitees – while staying well away from foods such as beef (which generates twice the CO2 emissions of pork, and four times that of chicken) when organising your catering will help you to minimise your wedding fair’s carbon impact.

Carbon offsetting in particular offers organisers an ideal way of balancing their event’s carbon emissions by making a positive impact elsewhere. By funding a carbon offset project designed to produce renewable energy, for example, you can go some way towards restoring this crucial balance.

Eco-friendly fashion and beauty brands

Dressmakers, hair stylists and cosmetics brands are generally among the most popular exhibitors at any wedding fair – and the same will likely be true of your eco-friendly wedding bonanza. Giving attendees the ability to compare a range of first-class fashion and beauty brands under one roof – in the knowledge that they can look their best on their big day while doing their bit for planet Earth – is sure to make your fair a storming success.

From wedding dresses made from fairtrade and vintage fabrics to organic skincare products that guarantee glowing skin for blushing brides, your event should offer everything attendees will need to feel beautiful from head to toe – with the added bonus of being completely cruelty-free.

Wedding Photography

Paperless promotion

It goes without saying that excessive paper waste isn’t conducive to an environmentally friendly event – so say goodbye to printed invitations and embrace the email marketing format. If you’ve got a mailing list fit to burst with the email addresses of potential exhibitors and attendees, this will prove to be an invaluable tool as you work to build an illustrious guestlist for your green wedding fair.

With your e-vites sent, if you’re struggling to fill seats and your event is on the horizon, lean on your social media following for some extra online promo. By offering fans and followers the chance to win some eco-friendly goodies in exchange for a share or retweet, you can generate exposure for your event for the nominal cost of the prize you’re offering to one lucky winner – and without having to fork out on wasteful printed promo.

Recycled marketing materials

Inside your event, there’s no getting away from the fact that you’ll need some sort of brand messaging and other assorted marketing materials – but you can stay true to your Earth-friendly theme by remembering to reduce, reuse and recycle. From printing on FSC-certified paper to installing recycled and recyclable cardboard displays, you can do your bit for the planet while successfully promoting your wedding fair.

Sustainable venue solutions

Environmentally conscious attendees will be looking for a stunning wedding venue that’s also eco-friendly – and by making sure to invite representatives from rustic converted barns and country houses, you can give brides and grooms access to the very best in environmental venue hire. Take a leaf out of their book when planning your own event and find a green location for your fair, too. With everything from first-rate hotels to classy conference facilities and even museums and activity centres available for hire, you won’t have to sacrifice style to find a sustainable setting for your upcoming event.

Onsite recycling stations

Last but not least, in the spirit of practising what you preach, no eco-friendly wedding fair would be complete without onsite recycling provisions – allowing both attendees and exhibitors to dispose of everything from paper and plastic to glass and metal in an environmentally conscious way. Earth-loving extras like these will succeed in conveying the message that you’re as committed to green living as your guests are, as well as allowing you to save on resources when it comes to the post-event cleanup!

wedding eco fair

In conclusion

With all bases covered, both exhibitors and attendees are guaranteed to fall head over heels in love with your eco-friendly wedding fair. And with your help, Earth-loving brides and grooms-to-be will have absolutely everything they need to continue protecting the planet as they tie the knot.