One in four people won’t complete a purchase if they’re required to create an account as part of the process. One in ten drops off for every extra step in the process. Fees revealed only at the end of the purchase process lead many would-be buyers to close the window instead of clicking “confirm purchase.”

It’s easy to drive your potential attendees away from registering or buying tickets — even when they’re seconds away from completing the process. This cuts into your conversion rate — the percent of page visitors who click through to buy tickets or register to attend your event.

But it’s easy to fix these problems. Here are six easy ways to ensure you sell more tickets.

1. Don’t force people to sign up for an account

Do you really need your attendees to create a login for your website? Probably not. Good — 23 percent of online shoppers say they won’t buy something they otherwise would if they are required to create a user account first.

So that login could cost you about one-quarter of potential attendees. That’s a steep price to pay.

2. Give attendees the info they need on your event page

If attendees have to do a Google search to find out more info about your event — or if they have to click through to a separate registration or ticketing site to complete their purchase — a lot of them will get distracted or just not bother.

Bring the info and the registration process to them. It should include the where, when and who (performers, speakers, vendors), but it should also tell them about public transit or nearby hotels or dress code or whatever else they would want to ask someone who’s attended the event in the past about. Cut out the middleman. Craft an event website that has everything the need all in one place so they can read up, decide, and purchase as quickly and pain-free as possible. (If you’re using Eventbrite, you can embed the entire ticket or registration page into your event website.)

3. Images and videos

People also want to be able to envision what your event feels and looks like. So the top two places people go after checking out your event page are YouTube and Google Images. You can keep them on your page a bit longer and, again, cut out the distraction of having to search or ask about your event by embedding plenty of photos and videos that answer their questions about the vibe, look and performers without them having to search them out on their own.

So make sure you’ve taken high-quality, professional photos and videos that showcase the best of your event.

4. Use social proof to let your fans do the promoting

Another way to give them a sense of the feel of your event is to include testimonials from past attendees — especially ones that are taken from social media and were posted in the midst of the excitement of the previous year’s event. These give potential attendees both a sense of what it’s like to be there and provide some social proof from real people about the value of attending.

To provide further social proof — and a bit of FOMO — you can also let potential attendees see who else is attending through your event’s Facebook page.

5. Make the signup process easy

Every additional step in the registration process leads to a 10 percent decrease in completed registrations. So think about which steps are must-haves and which aren’t. Can you get the entire checkout process on one page — with a minimal number of questions to answer?

Eliminating this form fatigue will go a long way toward getting your page visitors from potential attendees to registered attendees in as little time — and form questions — as possible.

6. And make it mobile-friendly

People now make more purchases via their phones than desktop computers. Go to where the people are.

Think about what your page looks like on mobile devices from the start of the design process, not just as a final test at the end. Following a lot of the other tips here — no login, a concise description, a short registration form that fits on one page — can help make your purchasing process work better on a small mobile screen, too. If you’re using Eventbrite, your ticketing or registration page will automatically be mobile friendly.

This includes your social media pages, too, which are primarily going to be accessed on phones. More than half of Facebook users only access the site on mobile devices, for instance. Capitalise on this by selling tickets directly from your Facebook page using Eventbrite’s seamless checkout.

In conclusion

Following these simple tips can be the difference between thousands of distracted page visitors who never bothered to finish their registration forms and a packed house. Watch a short webinar to learn about how Eventbrite can help you grow your events by giving attendees a seamless purchase experience