Located in Northern Germany, near the Elbe River mouth, Hamburg is the country's second-largest city after Berlin. Stretching over some 755 km², Hamburg's population amounts to approximately 1.8 million inhabitants within a metropolitan area of about 5.1 million people. Hamburg is one of Europe's most important economic hubs, hosting a large number of expatriates from across the globe due to the various job prospects it offers. Also, Hamburg is an important educational, scientific, and research hub, with some of the best research centres in Europe, such as the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, which is Germany's largest institute for treatments and therapies for tropical and infectious diseases. Also, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology conducts world-class research on climate change and the Centre for Molecular Neurobiology is one of the best neuroscience centres in Germany. Hamburg is mainly a tourist, maritime, and economic hub. In fact, Hamburg's maritime port is part of the region's industrial zone, thus contributing to its economic dynamism. Other fields, such as shipbuilding and aerospace, medical technology, biotechnology, chemistry, physics, services, and media are also considered to be Hamburg's economic pillars. Hamburg is home to several big German companies such as Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Lufthansa, Otto, as well as many banks and other financial institutions. It is a hub for many multinationals, such as Yahoo, Google, Airbus, which offer work opportunities for English speakers. Here, you will also find a large number of small and medium enterprises. The city has some of the most renowned research facilities in the country and in Europe. Hence, if you are an academic or a researcher in the field of medicine, science, climate change, and humanities, there are many work opportunities to consider in Hamburg. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that research positions are very competitive, and you should persistently and consistently try to get one. So, here's a short presentation of some of Hamburg's world-class research centres: According to the most recent statistics from the Federal Employment Agency, the unemployment rate in Hamburg was 7.2 percent as of August 2022. An interesting observation is that unemployment among women is higher than unemployment among men. Overall, the increase in unemployment during this time, is explained by the COVID-19 crisis, which has impacted many sectors, including the manufacturing, hospitality, and trade sectors. On the other hand, employment in Hamburg has grown in the heath sector. The tourism sector, even though it suffered heavily during the pandemic, is overall a significant employer in Hamburg, as the city is one of Germany's most visited cities, not only for its historical sites and other places of interest but also for the major annual events, such as the Hamburg International Music Festival, the International Short Film Festival Hamburg, and the Hamburg Port Anniversary, which is the world's largest harbour festival. Also, Hamburg is the world's third-largest venue for musical shows after New York and London, and over two million visitors travel to Hamburg for that reason every year. Furthermore, there are plenty of world-famous transatlantic cruise lines departing from Hamburg, which offer seasonal or long term jobs. According to recent (2021) statistics from the Federal Employment Agency, there's a big demand for professionals in roles, such as train driving, plumbing, elderly care, nursing, and energy engineering. At the same time, there's more demand than offer in roles, such as event management, journalism, teaching, psychotherapy, and photography. During your job search in Hamburg, you can check out job offers on the internet and in classified ads in local newspapers. Of course, if you are keen on working with a specific organisation, you should keep an eye on its website for new job opportunities, or even send a spontaneous application introducing yourself. However, if you follow this path, you should be able to do so in German, as English emails from unknown senders may not be a priority. Alternatively, you may register with local authorities or with a recruitment agency if you are already there. These will help you find a job according to your profile more rapidly.