MyEvent.Vision is an exciting new nationwide competition launched to find creative talent within Britain’s event industry.

The competition is aimed at anyone and everyone with a great event concept. The winner will receive £5,000 cash, a full-time job offer from leading events agency, Events International Group (who have 17 event brands in their portfolio), investment into the winning event concept and the winning candidate will be part of the experienced team that brings their event vision to life.

Heather Varley - MyEvent.Vision winnerEventbrite sat down with last year’s winner Heather Varley (second left in the photo) to learn more about how she approached the competition and what helped her win the ultimate prize for eventprofs with vision. “I was really keen to take part. I’m very creative, love the events industry and I’m also pretty competitive. I wanted to see if my idea had the legs and the business case to go to market,” she commented. “The process was a whirlwind of new experiences and challenges and I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Now Heather is working on her event with the full support of EIG, from the development of her event concept through to operations, sales and marketing She added, “I can’t quite believe that I have won. Whilst I am still shocked, I am also elated, honoured and proud, not least because it lets me represent both my industry and women in events.

I would urge anyone serious about a future in the industry to put themselves forward; it is a challenging, positive process that puts you in front of people who can help shape your event idea. Anyone being asked to pitch has the chance to do themselves and their career a lot of good. The judges spend a considerable amount of time with each entrant so for the candidates that produce a great pitch, will have made excellent industry contacts. Winning MyEvent.Vision has genuinely changed my life. I’m now in the privileged position of bringing my event concept to life and working alongside some of the most experienced event professionals in the UK.”

Lastly Heather gave some advice for those looking to enter this year, “My advice is to take your passion and run with it. Whether it’s a specific area in events, a hobby or interest, or an important cause, all great ideas are sparked by passion. Being able to develop something you love into a feasible event concept ultimately makes the process significantly easier and more enjoyable! It’s a great opportunity.”

The competition closes 8th February 2016, so why not get your idea in early? Just visit MyEvent.Vision to enter!