Not sure what to buy for that special EventProf in your life? You can’t go far wrong with a book (they can always use it as door stop/coaster/paperweight if they don’t like it).

We’ve rounded up 10 recent releases that should offer planners an interesting read this festive seasons, no matter what type of events they organise…

For the EventProf who. . . hates failure

  1. Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth About Success by Matthew Syed

418EaqGdpsL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_Event organisers by their very nature are control freaks. When things go wrong it can seem pretty catastrophic. This book presents a new way of thinking about mistakes. Author Matthew Syed says so-called ‘Black Box Thinkers’ see failure as the very best way to learn.

Numbered among these enlightened folks are inventor James Dyson, basketball player Michael Jordan and Google. The book promises to “reveal the astonishing story behind the most powerful method of learning known to mankind” using gripping case studies, exclusive interviews and practical takeaways.

For the EventProf who. . . often acts on ‘gut instinct’

  1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

41ul7iTz6wL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_There are many of us who make decisions based on instinct. In a confusing world it can seem like the safest option, but are these decisions really rational? Is there a better way of thinking? Daniel Kahneman thinks so. The Nobel Prize-winner says our minds are often tripped up by error and prejudice (even when we think we are being logical) because we make snap judgements.

This book answers questions like: Why is there more chance we’ll believe something if it’s in a bold typeface? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? And why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent?

It promises practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking that will enable EventProfs to make better decisions both at work and at home.

For the EventProf who. . . manages a team

  1. Legacy by James Kerr

41p3KrAb8OL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_It’s not always easy to be a leader. For EventProfs in charge of a team, they’ll be presented with all sorts of management issues on a daily basis. Help them get the New Year off to a good start by giving them this book which promises to reveal 15 powerful and practical lessons for leadership and business.

To do this, author James Kerr goes deep into the heart of the world’s most successful sporting team, the legendary All Blacks of New Zealand. The All Blacks are the world’s most successful sporting outfit, undefeated in over 75% of their international matches over the last 100 years.

‘Legacy’ examines the secret of their success and how they handle the pressure – something all event organisers will be able to relate to.

For the EventProf who. . . likes history

  1. The History of Britain in 50 Events by Stephan Weaver51vWfg6mVcL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

The Great Viking Invasion, the Black Death, the last public hanging – these might not be the type of events they’re used to organising (at least we hope not!), but for event planners with an interest in times past, this book should make a welcome stocking filler.

It offers a concise overview of the 50 key events that shaped British history, from from how Stonehenge was built, through to World War II – and all in only 80 pages; perfect for the time-poor EventProf!

For the EventProf who. . . digs social media

  1. Binge by Tyler Oakley

612XRcrpXXL._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_EventProfs know how important social media is for the success of their events… If they could harness the success of this fella then they’d sell out in seconds.

Since uploading his first humorous, no-holds-barred YouTube videos eight years ago, Tyler Oakley has amassed more than twenty-one million social media followers.

Tyler uploads weekly videos from his living room in LA and produces a chart-topping podcast, Psychobabble. As well as tips on becoming an internet icon, readers are promised a good giggle.

For the EventProf who. . . dreams of some time off

  1. The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

51OWc0PhNqL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_Organising events is a full-on profession. You’re on the go around the clock and, at times, under huge pressure. Let’s be honest, EventProfs are never going to get a 4-hour work week, but this book promises interesting reading for those seeking a better work/life balance.

The new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller looks at time-saving options such as outsourcing to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour, eliminating email and reducing your work load by 50% in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist. If nothing else, it should give EventProfs a good laugh.
For the EventProf who. . . is a little stressed

  1. The Mindfulness Colouring Book: Anti-stress art therapy for busy people by Emma Farrarons

61P7fATMMZL._SX346_BO1,204,203,200_We all get a little frazzled from time to time. Here’s the perfect way to unwind – mindful colouring! Okay, EventProfs might look a little strange dashing off in a tense moment to scribble with Crayolas in a colouring book, but it could be just the thing to save their sanity!

The Mindfulness Colouring Book’ features intricate and sophisticated patterns, “prompting you to meditate on your artwork as you mindfully and creatively fill the pages with colour.” Well it’s got to be better than seeing red!


For the EventProf who. . . doesn’t have time to cook (or go to the gym)

  1. Lean in 15: 15 minute meals and workouts to keep you lean and healthy by Joe Wicks

51yGpjivLFL._SX382_BO1,204,203,200_When you lead a busy life, spending nights away and coming home at unpredictable hours, planning meals can be a challenge. Help your event planning friend to eat well in 2016 with this cook book by Joe Wicks, better known to his 479k Instagram followers as The Body Coach.

Lean in 15’ features 100 recipes for nutritious, quick-to-prepare meals and guides you through Joe’s signature HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) home workouts – revealing how to combine food and exercise to ignite intense fat-burning.

For the EventProf who. . . loves technology

  1. The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts by Richard and Daniel Susskind

51DTDH2ysqL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_In the last two decades, technology has revolutionised the role of the event planner, but could it eventually do away with the need for it all together? That is the question posed by the authors of this book, who believe most professions will be redundant in the future.

‘The Future of the Professions’ explains how ‘increasingly capable systems’ – from telepresence to artificial intelligence – will bring fundamental change in the way that the ‘practical expertise’ of specialists is made available in society.

In an era when machines can out-perform human beings at most tasks, what are the prospects for employment, who should own and control online expertise, and what tasks should be reserved exclusively for people in the future?

For the EventProf who. . . likes to be in the know

  1. AA Hotel Guide 2016 by AA Publishing

51FSJDFUi7L._SX403_BO1,204,203,200_Hotels. When you’re an EventProf they can seem like your second home. For that reason, it’s your business to know which are the best. While event organisers will probably be familiar with quite a few already, the ‘AA Hotel Guide 2016‘ features more than 3,000 UK properties, all of which they have rated for quality.
It also features up-to-date details of room prices, parking, directions and leisure facilities throughout. That’ll save EventProfs a few showrounds!



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