As we head deeper into summer, many #eventprofs will be organising more events, or indeed, larger one-off events. What better time than now to recap some of last week’s best tweets to help ensure your events are successful and run smoothly.

1. BizBash

Technology has been the way forward to help increase many different goals of an event; from increasing ticket sales, to increasing engagement. But sometimes the inclusion of technology can hinder the success of an event. BizBash share a video of Lee Billington, creative director at Frog & co-founder of Beak Labs to show you the top mistakes events make with new technology.


2. M&C Magazine

Now to offset the above, here are some cutting-edge products in the market that are specifically designed to enhance events. It’s great to see tech start-ups dedicating their products to events and how their products can help events become more efficient and more successful with the use of new technology.


3. Eventbrite UK

In an interview with William Thomson, founder of Gallus Events, we can get a real insight in to how a successful event planner started out in the event industry, followed by many tips for success and pitfalls to avoid.


4. Forbes via Cuckoo Events

A question all event planners have had to answer at one stage or another in their career is “how does your event help bring in money to the company?” Here is a great piece from Forbes showing exactly how events do this & how the value of them should be unquestionable.


5. Events Uncovered via Jeff Hurt

In this tweet, we are linked to Events Uncovered founder, Silvia Pellegrini talking to Tim Sae Koo, CEO of Tint, about different ways to make events more social and interactive, looking specifically at online interactions. There are some great insights, as well reassuring many event planners who may be trying out some of these techniques already.


Did we miss something that you found really helpful on Twitter? Please let us know what it was below!