What have #EventProfs been sharing and liking on Twitter this week? Here we’ve rounded up 5 of the most popular and thought provoking posts making the rounds on social. We hope you enjoy them too!

1. Hubspot

If you’re attending any conferences soon (or running them), you need to read this post from Hubspot. It gives great advise on getting the most out of a conference, not just all the free swag!



Marketing is one of the most important elements to get right in order to make sure your event is a success. This post makes sure you are on the right path from the get go, by asking yourself the right questions.


3. Eventbrite UK

Getting your event out there and noticed by as many people as possible can make or break an event. Check out these tips on creating more PR buzz around your event.



4. Event Magazine

The report shared by Event Magazine states there are less creative thinkers in the event space. It’s an interesting read and is sure to bring up a discussion of how important or not it is to be a creative in this industry.


5. Brainzooming

We’ve all been to events looking to gain the secrets from industry leaders, only to receive anecdotes and metaphors. This post from Brainzooming shows us the importance of giving examples and not just ‘dinner stories’ so your attendees leave with actionable value.


That’s our round-up of some of the top tweets this week for #EventProfs. If there are any you think should have been here or any new insights you’ve taken away from the above, do let us know!