What’s the definition of insanity?

According to Albert Einstein, insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

It’s also a sure-fire way of seeing deceasing returns on investment and losing ground to competitors.

Unfortunately this is the experience of nearly 65% of event marketers, according to a survey we conducted with Hubspot in June.  The problem?  Many organisers are still stuck with a one-dimensional marketing strategy that revolves around email.

The existing modus operandi is to find as much data as possible, without focusing on a particular persona (see the number one mistake of failed events) and then email that data as frequently as possible, often focusing on features rather than benefits.

The result?  Despite 47% of event marketers increasing their budget in the last 12 months, 51% have not been able to increase their attendance numbers, and 14% actually saw their attendance numbers drop.

So, how can you break out of this cycle of dependency on email*, and see some real improvements in attendance at your events?

This is what we’ll be exploring with Hubspot on Thursday during a live webinar where we’ll be discussing ‘The New Rules of Event Marketing’.

It starts at 2pm BST and is free to attend for anyone interested in taking their event marketing to the next level and learning how others successfully sell out their events.

Over 45 minutes we’ll talk about creating effective personas, how to use inbound marketing to drive more registrations, optimising your event pages and building engagement audiences with social media.

You can register your place now.

We look forward to speaking with you then!

*Just to be clear, we don’t think email is a bad marketing channel at all – it can be highly effective if done well – but it does need to be complemented by fresh ways of reaching your target audience or you will see diminishing returns!