Back to school!

September is associated with heading back to school after the long (or too short – depending on your perspective) summer holidays.

It is also when the conference season begins to kick back into gear, as business folks head back from sunnier climes ready to learn what’s new, meet new partners and generate fresh leads at conferences.

However September is not just limited to those in school, university or full-time work.  It is also when life-long learning courses, training sessions and other opportunities to educate yourself begin in earnest, allowing absolutely anyone the chance to learn new skills or simply be exposed to new ideas and ways of doing things.

To put it simply, September is an exciting month for anyone who loves to geek out and learn a new trick or two.  If you’re running any kind of event in September, why not add opportunities to learn into the experience, and see how positively people respond to the chance of expanding their horizons?

A good chance to catch-up

If you’ve been away in August, then September is a great month to catch-up on what you missed.  Here is a quick run-down of some of our most popular August posts, which you can put into practice this month:

  • Learn how to be your sponsors’ hero with this free resource – a fulfilment template to ensure you deliver on everything they expect and more!
  • Check out the presentations from our Digital Marketing for Event Professionals event co-hosted with General Assembly
  • Learn how to avoid the number one mistake that failed events make – so yours will be a success!
  • Stand out with the perfect value proposition for your event, and use it to drive more successful marketing messages
  • Time poor and on a shoestring?  Here’s 5 free event marketing tactics you can try this week.

There are plenty more great posts from August on the blog, from finding the perfect venue to best practice tips for promoting your event online.

Check it out or subscribe to receive weekly updates, then you’ll never miss another post!

Learn about content marketing, social media and creating event personas

Sticking with the theme for September – a focus on learning – we never stop trying to help event organisers learn new ways to organise bigger, better and more successful events that delight your attendees.

True to form, this Thursday will see us exploring ‘The News Rules of Event Marketing’ with inbound marketing leaders Hubspot.  This is a free webinar that starts at 2pm BST on Thursday 4th September.

We’ll be showing you how to up your marketing game by mastering the creation of personas, engaging content marketing and effective social media.

Sign up here.

Organising your first event in September?