Digital marketing continues to change so rapidly it’s hard for even the most dedicated marketing guru to stay on top of everything.

If you’re involved with running events – whether they’re for profit, charity, lead generation, fun or any other reason – you’ll know that getting people to attend is a continual challenge.

This means that knowing the latest digital marketing best practices is a must for any ambitious event organiser who wants a buzzing, energy-filled event full of the right people.

That’s why we’re teaming up with the wonderful team at General Assembly – specialists at equipping people with the digital skills needed for success in modern business – to create a bespoke evening of learning for event professionals.

We want to bridge the gap between where you are and where you need to be in order to have sell-out event after sell-out event.

However first, we need to know what it is you’d like to learn more about!  Is it SEO, content marketing, affiliates, display ads, PPC or anything else for that matter?

What’s holding you back from selling more tickets online?  What marketing do you do that can be improved?  What marketing don’t you do because you’re not sure where to start?

Take this quick survey to let us know, and we’ll create the right educational material, along with an evening of top talks, to help you acquire the cutting edge marketing skills you need to bridge the gap and promote your event to success.

Not incentive enough?  Well, we’re also offering a £50 Amazon voucher to one lucky winner and two £25 vouchers to runners-up.  These will be drawn at random once the survey has closed.

We look forward to hearing from you!