However much time we spend online or consumed with technology we all know that real-world experiences and the people we share them with are what really matter.

To inspire you all to get out there and live a life with #noregrets, we thought it would be fun to take a look at which places in the UK have the most active event-goers; and asked over 2000 of you to tell us about your lifestyle.

So, who came out as the event-going capital?

We looked at our data and compared the number of tickets processed with the population to come up with our top ten. It was the historic city of Cambridge that hit the top spot, with Manchester second, Edinburgh third and to some people’s surprise London trailing in fourth place. York, Oxford, Glasgow, Bristol, Newcastle and Brighton & Hove made up the rest of the top ten and we can see why with everything from cooking classes to concerts to workshops featuring on Eventbrite in these buzzing places.

Brighton and Hove

What did our survey tell us about UK event-goers?

Unsurprisingly it is the younger generation who seem to be living life to the full with 18 to 24 year-olds attending the most events a month at between three and five and describing themselves as spontaneous (61%).

However, it is the over 65’s who appear to be the most pro-active with 50% describing themselves as ‘doers’ compared to just 2% who would say they are dreamers. This compares to just 22% of the younger generation who say they are ‘doers’.

On average people attend just one to two events a month, with 45% of men saying it was due to a lack of money whilst a third of women said it was due to a lack of events happening in their area. If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, why not download the Eventbrite app on iOS or Android to see what’s happening around you? A little-known fact for the men out there is that over two-thirds of events on Eventbrite are actually free!

Finally, 42% of 18-24 year olds say that if today were the last day of their life their biggest regret would be not having enough fun. To inspire people to get out there and make the most of what’s going on around them we’ve spent this morning in the studio with Essex party boy Mark Wright. Having recently put his skills to the test in ITV2’s Party Wright Around The World, which saw him travel the world to put on events in challenging locations, he was the perfect person to talk about organising your own events or just getting out there and living life with #noregrets.