From the World Cup to ‘Corn on the Cob Day’, read on for topical ideas and June-themed inspiration for your upcoming events this month!

Time to Embrace Inbound Marketing

It’s hard to overstate the interest around inbound marketing, and the impact it can have on a businesses’ online marketing, lead generation and ultimately, sales.

It’s really no surprise that this interest continues to grow rapidly, as one of the leading players in the field, Hubspot, have two key statistics that help quantify its value:

  • Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound leads.
  • Those leads cost 61% less than outbound leads.

Today is the start of Inbound Marketing Week, powered by Hubspot, and we’re delighted to be part of the world-wide event.

If you’d like to learn more about inbound marketing, and how it can be utilised to grow your events in June (and beyond), then you can sign up for a free place at our panel session ‘Inbound Marketing for Events‘ on Thursday, 5th June in London here.

Design and Networking Inspiration

Great design is critical to attracting potential customers, building trust and communicating your brand values.  That’s why we rounded up 13 Great Examples of Customised Event Pages on Eventbrite to help inspire you and showcase what is possible on our platform.

We also know how important networking is to the experience of your event guests, and so we reached out to leaders in the events industry and asked for their top tips to creating compelling networking experiences.

If you’re interested in other top stories from May to apply to your June events, you should also check out:

  • 26 ways to rescue a failing event
  • Making the Perfect Pitch Deck for your Sponsors
  • The Ultimate Guide To SEO For Conferences

Food For Thought


Food is such an important component to any event experience, we’re revisiting the key food-themed dates in June for more gastronomic inspiration!

This month is ‘Country Cooking’ month, so why not treat your attendees to some good rustic foods and dishes that will remind them of their Grandma’s best dishes, making your event like a home away from home.

If your event happens to fall on Wednesday 11th then you could embrace ‘Corn on the Cob day’ and treat your guests to the delicious yellow staple.  It may not be the easiest thing to eat gracefully according to Lillian Eichler Watson’s 1921 etiquette book, but since when did graceful get in the way of good food?!

(c) Gordon,Flikr

June 16th is ‘Fresh Veggie Day’ so maybe you can encourage everyone to put down the greasy burgers and burnt sausages that were abundant in May and get healthier by providing them with a delicious selection of fresh veg to choose from.

Healthy enough already? Then why not embrace a king amongst deserts, ‘Chocolate Pudding Day’.  Like the classic black dress, this little number can be accessorised and served up in a huge number of ways to keep it interesting and always in demand.  If you’re hosting an event on Thursday June 26th then it seems like a crime to have this on the menu!

Themes to Embrace In May


Last but by no means least, let’s take a look at some of the topical days and events taking place this month, for some last-minute, June-themed inspiration.

Unless you live under a rock, or really, really don’t like football, it won’t have passed you by the just about every conversation between June 12th and July 13th will be focused on the Fifa World Cup, taking place in Brazil.  This is a brilliant excuse for any events in June to adopt a football or Brazilian theme and embrace the madness that only comes around every 4 years!

June also sees Glastonbury take place and is the kick-off to the Summer Festivals season, so it could be the time to move your event from indoors to outdoors and embrace the best (and worst) of British weather!

If your event takes place June 5th, then why not give it an environmental theme and help raise awareness during World Environment Day?

And if you’re hosting an event on Saturday June 21st then you surely have to get with the rhythm and throw on some musical entertainment as part of World Music Day!

Organising your first event in June?

Why not sell your tickets online with Eventbrite and we can help you every step of the way – check out our quick 5-step event-planning checklist to get started here.