We’re big believers in the power of inbound marketing here at Eventbrite, and so we’re delighted to be hosting a panel as part of Hubspot’s Inbound Marketing Week, which is taking place around the world from June 2-6th.

Titled ‘The Inbound Marketing Playbook for Conferences‘, the panel will take place at the Trapeze Bar near Old Street, June 5th from 3.30-5.30pm.

We have some exceptional speakers lined up to share their knowledge with you, including:

  • Kieran Flanagan, Marketing Director, HubSpot EMEA
  • Liz Stanley, Engagement Marketing Strategist, UBM Live
  • Ricardo Molina, Co-Founder & Director, BrightBull

During the session, these experts will be diving into the following topics:

  • What is ‘inbound marketing’? And why does it matter?
  • Why are conferences and other content-led events uniquely positioned to utilise inbound marketing?
  • Where and how do you start with inbound marketing?
  • How do you measure success with inbound marketing tactics?

The event is free to attend, and limited to just 50 places, which are being allocated on a first come, first served basis, so if you run conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions or similar gatherings you should book your place now!

If you’re not convinced inbound marketing is something your event should be utilising, consider these two statistics shared by Hubspot from their roundup of ‘100 Stats, Charts, and Graphs to Get Inbound Marketing Buy-In‘

  • Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound leads.
  • Those leads cost 61% less than outbound leads.

More leads, less money? Perhaps that’s why nearly 60% of all businesses surveyed by Hubspot have already begun adopting an inbound marketing strategy.

If you’d like to understand how content-led events are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this trend, and can spare 2 hours to attend our free panel session, then make sure you secure your place now.

Understand how content-led events are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this trend



We look forward to seeing you there!