People often change their minds about their tickets or the event they registered for, but not everyone wants a refund. They may want to upgrade their ticket to join their friends or attend your event on a different date.

To help you easily accommodate these requests, we’ve launched the Registration Transfers feature to allow your attendees to make the change on their own through a simple online process.

The Registration Transfers’ setting lets you customise the transfers allowed by attendees between specific ticket and registration types within a single event, or to another one of your events. You can turn it on for each of your events under the Modify Order Options section on the Manage page.

Customize the settings and fees for attendees to transfer their registration

The best thing about this process is that it’s completely self-service. Your attendees can log in to their Eventbrite account to select from available tickets and events, and we’ll charge any price difference and issue a new order confirmation when they process their transfers. You can also collect an additional fee when they transfer and access controls to override these fees at any time.

Simple online transfer process gives attendees the ability to make their own changes.

To learn more, check out our Help Center article on setting up transfers for your event.

Note: This feature is only available for our customers using Eventbrite’s credit card processing to collect money for their paid events at this time.