If you’ve been following along with our series on engaging event volunteers, welcome back! In this post, we’ll be going over best practices for stewardship and retention post-event. If you need to catch up, you can check out Part One: Before the Event and Part Two: During the Event.

Even though your guests may have left and the event may be over, it’s as important to continue engaging with your volunteers as is it with your event attendees! Your volunteers can be your biggest evangelists, and are vital to the continued success of your organisation and future events.

1. Thank them.

This really goes without saying, but your event was a success because of your volunteers, so make sure they know that. We’re big fans of the hand-written thank you note, but email works just as well if you don’t have mailing addresses. Let them know how much their help was (and is) appreciated and remind them of the impact of their work.  Be sure to praise volunteers who went above and beyond the call of duty, and consider writing them a LinkedIn recommendation for their service.

2. Keep a good thing going.

In addition to thanking your volunteers, this is also a great time to make sure you stay in touch. Ask volunteers to opt into your newsletter list to make sure they’re aware of future events and volunteer opportunities. You can also ask for quotes on their experience, which can be used for future volunteer recruitment efforts or marketing materials.

3. Spread the word.

Capture your favorite volunteer moments from your event on Storify or another similar platform, then be sure to share the story on your social media channels. Use the Storify link and feedback/quotes from past volunteers to leverage and attract new volunteers for future events.

Now that you’re armed with best practices to engage your volunteers before, during and after your next fundraising event…it’s time to get planning!

Have you used any of these tips with past events? Share your experience and feedback in the comments below!