Recently, Twitter unveiled a new feature that allows users to easily keep up with conversations if they’re using native or the Android/iOS app. If you haven’t already, the next time you log into Twitter, you’ll likely notice a vertical blue line indicating a conversation between two or more people that you follow (see below). This feature was designed to make it easier to discover and follow conversations on a social media platform that can often get quite noisy.


At first, I didn’t really have any strong positive or negative feelings towards this feature. After a few days though, I noticed the blue line appearing between posts from the same account. These ‘linked’ messages weren’t part of a conversation, but were rather the same content being posted more than once, which is quite common for brands, small businesses and event organizers.  Unlike Facebook, on Twitter it is completely acceptable to share the same message/link several times, because not all of your followers are reading Twitter at the same time and you want your posts to reach as many of your followers as possible.


When Twitter groups several tweets together from the same account that are not part of a conversation, it can look a bit spammy. So, how can you combat getting ‘blue lined’ and not have all of your tweets show up in one clump? We’ve got some suggestions for you. These three tips will not only help your messages from getting grouped together, but will also help you strengthen your marketing efforts. Take a peek:

1. Map out your content.  We know. As an event organizer, you’ve got a lot of things on your plate and social media isn’t always one of your main focuses. It’s so easy to write one or two posts and copy/paste them over and over, but taking one hour every week to map out your scheduled posts and content can be really helpful. Start with an Excel sheet or a word document and type out all of your scheduled content for the week. Make sure you’re changing up both the words you’re using as well as the overall messaging. When you map out all of your content for the week, you’ll be able to spot which messages look too much alike and change them up!

2. Get creative. Nobody likes following accounts that are strictly self-promotional. We suggest following the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts shouldn’t be selling, 20% of your posts can be. Think about the Twitter accounts you enjoy following, and why they’re interesting to you. Are you promoting a 5k? Share links to great training playlists, your favorite post-race recipes, or the best stretches to prevent shin splints. Are you getting the word out about a networking event? Share links about how to combat networking-nerves, how to perfect your elevator pitch, or fun tricks to remember people’s names. By focusing on different, creative content that relates to your upcoming event, you’ll be less likely to see Twitter lump your tweets together.

3. Use tracking links. If you use Eventbrite, you’re already aware of how easy it is to create tracking links for your event URL. If you’re not familiar with tracking links, check out this link to get started. If you’re planning on tweeting your event link once in the morning and once at night, create a ‘morning tweet’ url and one for the ‘night tweet’. By using links that are specific to the date or time of day you’re sharing your event info, you’ll avoid the blue line and also be able to track what time of day you get the most clicks!

Got any other tips you’d add? Tell us in the comments below!