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A Look at Anomaly Detection and Why It's Important in the AI Space

September 19th 2022 500 reads
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An unusual occurrence or event is referred to as an anomaly in software engineering because it deviates from the pattern and, as a result, raises questions about its legitimacy. Anomaly detection may be helpful when there are hundreds or thousands of things to monitor since it helps point out where an error is happening. It may be of the utmost importance for the security of engineering, health, and industrial sectors, all of which rely on the smooth and safe running of their businesses. Artificial intelligence may significantly improve the efficiency and security of a company's digital operations with the help of artificial intelligence.

Gabriel Mangalindan

Into tech, AI, startups and blockchain

About @gabrielmanga

Artificial intelligence, as well as machine learning, have been utilized in a wide variety of fields, including manufacturing, agriculture, software engineering, and many other fields as well. The automation of digital and physical processes employing automated workflows and robotics technology, respectively, has proven a particularly fruitful area for using artificial intelligence.


AI has also proved helpful in extracting information from the massive volumes of text and quantitative data provided by a variety of different systems. In addition, tools employing data reduction, pattern recognition, and information extraction and strategies to forecast different outcomes and occurrences have also been developed, demonstrating the growing importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning in decision-making assistance.


Identifying anomalies is another popular use case for this technology. Finding and recognizing outliers is an important step in preventing fraudulent activity, assaults from adversaries, and network breaches, all of which have the potential to jeopardize the future of your firm.


Something that deviates from the usual goes against the grain or is an outlier is an anomaly. An unusual occurrence or event is referred to as an anomaly in software engineering because it deviates from the pattern and, as a result, raises questions about its legitimacy.


A procedure is said to be anomaly detection if it identifies elements in a dataset that do not belong there, also known as outliers. These anomalies may indicate that unexpected network activity is occurring, expose a malfunctioning sensor, or simply identify data that must be cleaned before developers can analyze it.


Anomaly detection is a crucial tool for observing complex, connected environments – especially for embedded / IoT device networks that pervade all industries today. These autonomous networks often are unmonitored (and sometimes unmanaged) and, therefore, can benefit greatly from automated observation to spot trouble areas early on before disruption or worse occurs.


Anomaly detection is also a powerful tool for engineering teams, providing valuable insights throughout the software development life cycle. An AI-driven mechanism that governs alert logic acts as an "extra set of eyes" – digesting data at scale and instantly spotting things that would take human operators hours, maybe days, to find out – if at all.


Today, when developer time is more valuable than ever, having such an extra set of eyes can dramatically decrease time to market and improve the quality of service for embedded devices already in the field.


In general, anomaly detection and visibility are extremely hard to achieve in the IoT or embedded device development space, but also in special-purpose devices, mobile/handhelds, PoS/kiosks, etc. The three main reasons for that are:

  1. The ubiquitous nature of connected technology, and the abundance of diversified legacy devices, hinder uniform observability.
  2. The tight resource allocation on many devices makes it difficult to add any additional features – unless they can be added with almost no overhead.
  3. The lack of purpose-built solutions for IoT that can understand the unique device behaviors is very different from other cloud-native or web-based applications.

As a result, the ability to observe in-depth metrics (and customize the traces), with the additional self-learning capabilities of the AI, makes granular anomaly detection a unique value proposition in an evolving technology market.


Sternum's full-stack IoT security and observability platform is announcing new AI-driven anomaly detection capabilities. Using these, the device operators can receive signals about unusual activities across many data points.


Moreover, users will also be able to define their traces and track anomalies among metrics that matter the most to their individual use cases. Awareness of these signals allows device operators to proactively discover and address emerging quality issues before they can impact the end-user. It also allows them to spot suspicious – and potentially malicious – behaviors, boosting Sternum's robust runtime security capabilities.


For engineers debugging problems in development or troubleshooting issues in the field, the anomaly detection mechanism also opens the door to easily performing root cause investigation using correlation analysis – relating an unexpected breakage to unusual activities on the device.


Sternum's patented solution bypasses the major obstacles to effective on-device observability with:

  1. An agentless (direct-to-firmware) deployment model makes Sternum universally compatible with every IoT device and OS flavor – legacy and new.
  2. A low-overhead solution to work even on the most resource-constrained devices. In summary, deploying Sternum results in 1-3% overhead.
  3. Purpose-built analytics engine that collects information specifically important for connected devices. This eliminates noise and ensures that device developers and operators will focus only on metrics that matter for device security and performance quality. 

In today's world of distributed systems, controlling and monitoring the functioning of the system is a nuisance, although a necessary burden. This is because the system is quite complicated. Anomaly detection may be helpful when there are hundreds or thousands of things to monitor since it helps point out where an error is happening.


This improves root cause investigation and makes it easier to acquire technical assistance for a problem. Furthermore, the monitoring process for chaotic engineering is aided by anomaly detection since it helps identify abnormalities and notifies the appropriate parties to take corrective action.


The process of locating data points within a dataset that do not conform to the typical patterns is known as anomaly identification. It has the potential to be effective in the solution of various problems, including the identification of fraud, medical diagnosis, and other issues. Anomaly detection may be made more efficient using machine learning approaches, which enable the process to be automated and work better even with big datasets.


In big and complicated datasets, anomaly detection, either on its own or in conjunction with the capability of prediction, may be an efficient method for spotting fraudulent activities and unexplained behavior. It may be of the utmost importance for the security of engineering, health, and industrial sectors, all of which rely on the smooth and safe running of their businesses. Artificial intelligence may significantly improve the efficiency and security of a company's digital operations with the help of artificial intelligence.

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