On the rooftop of the Salt Lake City Library, dozens of yogis practise downward dogs and cobras. With its public yoga events across the city, Salt Lake Power Yoga takes practice out of the studio and into the world.

“We’re known for our community events,” says Greg Galloway, co-owner (and teacher) at Salt Lake Power Yoga. “We want to bring yoga to those that might not always feel comfortable being in a studio. It’s being outside, it’s being active, it’s connecting with people. They’re fun events that everyone comes to – we get families, babies and strollers and dogs.”

Founded ten years ago, Salt Lake Power Yoga was one of the first heated power studios in downtown Salt Lake City. Today it hosts both power vinyasa studio classes and public events (free or low-cost) in venues like breweries or apartment complexes, the Salt Lake City Library – and the state Capitol, where as many 400 people gather on the lawn. 

Salt Lake Power Yoga on the Capitol lawn

“We’ve become a community fixture,” Galloway says. “People look forward to the events outside. Fans start messaging us on Instagram, wanting to know if we’re doing it again.”

Salt Lake Power Yoga uses Eventbrite to handle registrations for their community events. So, when Galloway learned about Eventbrite Boost, the all-in-one marketing platform designed for event creators, he was excited. After all, events promoted using Boost marketing tools sell 63% more tickets.* “It’s been a great tool for us,” Galloway says. “It’s a really easy platform to get communications out. I can send an email the day before an event and people open it. We sell out.”

Boost’s email marketing tools deliver 36.8% open rates 

To promote an event in their summer signature series, State of Mind: Yoga at the Capitol, Salt Lake Power Yoga used Eventbrite Boost’s email marketing tool. 

With pre-made templates and Eventbrite’s exclusive targeting data, the process of announcing events is quick. Galloway sent an email to yoga fans – and potential yoga fans. It provided the date and time, as well as the link to register on Eventbrite. 

In the end, Salt Lake Power Yoga’s email was opened by 36.8% of the recipients – nearly 600 people. Ultimately, the event sold 226 tickets. 

For Galloway, Boost saves him valuable time. “I don’t like having to format emails. With Boost, I can just find graphics that I want and use the quick text suggestions. I can get an email done within five minutes and get it sent out. Compared to other email marketing platforms we’ve used, there are never a bunch of unsubscribes. With Boost, you’re reaching a pretty engaged audience.”

Selling more tickets and growing a clientele with Boost

Yoga on the roof of the Salt Lake City Library

By connecting with that engaged fanbase, Galloway has seen his events sell – and sell out –  fast. For one recent beer and yoga event at a brewery, Galloway sent out an email announcement the day of the event and sold out his entire allotment of available tickets. With Boost, he says, “we’re able to see higher registration for our events through it.”

Since Salt Lake Power Yoga’s public events serve as a pipeline for studio classes (where yogis pay per class or per month), these higher registrations have a large impact down the line. And for Galloway, that’s what makes Boost so crucial. 

He’d recommend Boost to any event creator, for its ease of use whether they’re producing “a conference or a concert – or a yoga class. With Eventbrite Boost, it’s simple to send out emails as needed, especially compared to other platforms, which are more cumbersome. Plus, we get the opportunity to have more enrollments or registrations for our events.”