With the recent report from Event Magazine, stating that the job role of ‘Event Coordinator’ is ranked fifth most stressful job of 2016, you can understand why not everybody lasts in this industry.

But how do those that last working in events get through the stress? How do they keep on going?

To find out, we asked 6 Eventprofs to share how they stay motivated. Here is what they had to say.

Alan Newton, COO at Eventopedia

“A common characteristic of #eventprofs – because it’s pretty much a necessity – is being highly organised. There was a Forbes article a few years back that suggested that if you do everything as well as you can within your project deadline, you achieve better results, improve your self respect, self image, and – as a result – your personal motivation increases exponentially.  Small things can make a difference and given it’s a common #eventprofs characteristic, we all have the internal capability to stay motivated!  Albeit, the multitude of new experiences and travel to exciting destinations always helps!!”

Belle Wade, Events, Music Programming & Marketing Manager at London Fields Brewery

“Because the events industry is so faced paced, the moment things start to slow down is the moment I find it hard to stay motivated. When this happens, usually I’ll put on a really good mix (maybe from someone who has played or is playing in the venue) and re-organise my to do list. If that still doesn’t do it, I make a big list of all the event highlights over the last year and think about what made them so great and how I can apply it to the next year to make it even better. We work in such a amazing industry sometimes you don’t even realise the great things you’re achieving on the regs’ until you actually write it down. This usually gives me the motivation I need to get done whatever it is I’m trying to avoid!”

Christie Fidura, President at The Perfect Circle & Founder at #cmgrLDN Meetup Group

“As the co-manager of a meet-up group, I constantly ask my members for their suggestions on what types of presentations they prefer to see. That way, I’m always ensuring that I have a fresh influx of great ideas, and that I’m meeting the needs of my members. Additionally, I keep myself motivated and fresh by constantly looking for new presenters or topics that I can introduce, to keep my members on their toes. For example, I recently discovered via a Tweet that a professional hero of mine is coming to the UK from California, and I asked her to come along and speak at our event. I was delighted she said yes and the event sold out within minutes. The ‘always keeping a weather eye’ approach continues to serve me well in staying excited and interested.”

Tom Boyesen-Corballis, Senior Human Resources Manager at LOLA Staffing

“A main motivator for me is the feeling of working in a family, a group of friends with shared vision, this is much more important than money for me. The events industry is also a perfect environment for learning and building lasting friendships and professional relationships. The progression is great too, starting as a waiter and now being responsible for a team in our office is amazing!”

Nigel Twumasi, Co-Founder and Director at Mayamada

“We run a video event series called GamePad! and seeing new and many returning faces, all excited to take part pushes us to make the next event that much better!

When you know there are people excitedly anticipating your event you want to do more to exceed their expectations. Because of that, it’s easy to stay motivated as an event organiser.”

Alice Shyy, Founder at Giggypop & Founder and Chair at The Note Well 

“The Note Well is all about putting its people first. Even after six years, it still inspires me to know that people will invest their time and money in something I invented in my kitchen.
We see every interaction – every email, every Tweet – as a learning opportunity. This is how I know if someone new is a good fit for Team Note Well: How many times can someone see the bright side of a mistake and grow stronger for it?”