Today, Eventbrite’s Seat Designer comes to!

The intuitive, self-service tool gives event organisers the power to provide a better experience for their attendees and generate more revenue for their events. You can read more about the way we’re thinking about reserved seating and the first iteration of the product in this blog post.

Since we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how this can be used to visualise your space, maximise your revenue, and easily manage your seats–we’ve chosen five gatherings that we think reserved seating would be great for.

1. Film Screenings: Everyone loves getting the best seat in the house for their favourite film. Designate a focal point (the screen!) to automatically assign your seat selling order at your next film screening or festival.


2. Charity or Awards Dinners: Save time by assigning people to tables or use Seat Designer to allow attendees to book an entire table at a time. You’ll never have to break out the post it notes and play musical chairs ever again!


3. Tables at a Club: Need to book whole tables at the comedy, cabaret or a nightclub for shows or table service? Save time and energy by allowing guests to book for and pay for their table in advance of arriving at the venue.


4. VIP Section at Festivals: Organising a large general admission event, like a festival, air show or concert, but need to ticket your VIP section? Offer seats or tables for your guests who are paying that little bit more for a better view of the action.


5. Sports Event: Maybe you’re running a sporting event in your local community and want to encourage people to get tickets in advance to get the best spot. Allocating seats can turn your community event into a professional gathering.


These are just some of the events we think will love reserved seating on Eventbrite. If you’re running a bigger event, keep up to date with our blog as we’ll be continuing to update this feature over the coming months.

Or, feel free to give us a call and ask any of our Reserved Seating Experts any questions you might have. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, or let us know on Facebook or Twitter!