We’re celebrating Lanyrd becoming part of the Eventbrite family with some new integrations. This means that it’s even easier to use your information from Eventbrite on Lanyrd to share, track and promote the professional events you’re involved with.

Going to industry conferences and workshops can be inspiring, educational and benefit your own career but they’re also important ways of raising awareness of your brand. These new integrations help you make the most of content from an event as well as acknowledge your presence so that you and your brand are getting value long after the sessions have ended.

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s now even easier…

  • Event organizers now have an easy way of adding events to Lanyrd by importing their Eventbrite events directly from the add event page. If you add your event this way it will automatically be claimed, unlocking access to useful extra features including advanced schedule editing.

  • Attendees can hook up an existing Eventbrite account to Lanyrd. Then, when you buy a ticket to an Eventbrite event that’s also on Lanyrd, we’ll automatically add that event to your Lanyrd profile. We’ll even send a notification to the Lanyrd app on your phone so that the event details are stored offline for you.

  • As before, you can embed an Eventbrite ticket widget on your Lanyrd event page — but now doing this will also connect ticketing for that event in the Lanyrd mobile app. Enabling event organizers to take advantage of Eventbrite’s mobile optimized ticketing pages — so that when potential attendees are browsing the Lanyrd app, they’re just a few clicks away from an easy purchase.

Lanyrd’s new integrations with Eventbrite from Lanyrd
Have any questions? Feel free to leave us a comment below or reach out to @Eventbrite or @Lanyrd on Twitter!