
KnockKnock is an open-source library for getting alerts/notifications. It can be used in training jobs, data engineering pipelines, scheduled pipelines, in fact, any function’s return statement; with just 2 additional lines of code.


I have been using it for quite some time and it has been amazing for me. I share my experience on LinkedIn as well.


Why do I prefer 🚪✊?

  1. It helps me share error logs on my office comms channel slack or teams. It is easier for me to track now; instead of going to the cloud and scrolling through 100s of log lines and then finally knowing the error, directly getting logs on Slack is peaceful.
  2. It gives more visibility to the stakeholders. If someone in your team or PM asks you “For how many daily active users do we have on the platform as of today?” you would either go to your query engine or dashboard to get these numbers. Repeated requests like such make this process arduous and tiresome. Rather on each day schedule pipeline run with KnockKnock which metrics with these high-level metrics. Now everyone in the team has the visibility of a number of users to expect.
  3. You also get information on how much time a particular job run took along with Start Timestamp and End Timestamp.

How should I integrate this? (Just 2 lines)

from knockknock import teams_sender
WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://ABC.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/f762bb6b-cd10-4@894099-80c4-775a0cfe27a7/IncomingWebhook/3e3e4802df/45ec8631ef607'
@teams_sender(WEBHOOK_URL, user_mentions=['Shaurya Uppal'])
def func_name():
    return {'distinct user count': 1000, 'loss': 0.9, 'GCP write job': 'Complete'}


You can also set up these alerts on your Email, Desktop Notification, SMS, etc. using 🚪✊ in just 2 lines.

Please feel free to share your views and feedback in the comments section below.

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