American Institute for Justice Conference
American Institute for Justice Conference

American Institute for Justice Conference

11 Dec 09:00 AM to 15 Dec 06:00 AM
Public Event
Hosted By salvadormartin
Welcome to the American Institute for Justice (AIJ). AIJ provides continuing legal education (CLE) and continuing judicial education (CJE) courses for judges, attorneys and others who work within our judicial system. AIJ's judicial conferences are both pleasurable and academically beneficial. AIJ's goal is to better prepare those who preside over our courts and administer justice. As a conference participant, you are the focus of AIJ's efforts to provide the most up to date judicial education as well as to secure the most attractive venues and the best possible instructors as we build an institute of sustained excellence. AIJ conducts five day judicial education conferences at desired venues throughout the country. AIJ's judicial education conference course materials are designed based on suggestions from past participants, faculty input and board member discussions. AIJ's methods of instruction include lectures, videos, group discussions and writing activities. Active group participation is always encouraged at all judicial education conferences.