Litecoin's future?

2022-10-21 09:50:13
Litecoin was regarded as silver to Bitcoin. However, its performance is much worse than Bitcoin.
What's your view on Litecoin's future? Will it catch up or continue to underperform?
2022-10-21 09:57:03

The opportunity to increase Litecoin is still considered very large because there are still around 30 million more coins still not released.
Litecoin with LTC units will compete with Bitcoin in the future. This can be seen from the indicator of the development of the total market capitalization between the two crypto currencies. The fourth largest digital currency, Litecoin, has experienced an increase in total market capitalization of 7.291% from the previous year. This figure clearly far exceeds the increase in Bitcoin market capitalization which only rose by 1.731% over the past year.