Some Fundamental Things to Know by Traders

2022-10-27 05:22:02

Trading has its own risk if we don't understand about it. So, we have to learn some things to avoid it and be succesful. To be succesful in trading, at least you must learn more about your personality, trading style, and strategy. Here, I will explain it in short about them. I got the information from some sources and added my own view in some parts.

1. Personality + Trading Style.

You should know about yourself firstly before you think the right strategy to use. Every trader has his own typical trade. Trading style: Day trading, Position trading, Swing trading, or Scalping. It will be much better if you know your characteristics. In addition, a trader must be mature and wise in deciding everything towards his trading activities. Don't be a panic trader, it will harm you.   

2. Strategy

Strategy is also important. You should not do any ways to trade your tokens. Choose the best strategies for the current market trends.
~Learning as much as possible
You can google to know more everything about crypto trading. Various knowledge regarding cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and market will help you to improve your ability in trading.

~Following crypto experts and update news
You will get big advantages by following the information from experts and many sources about update crypto news. You will know best timing for selling or buying by following these. Moreover, you will gain more knowledge and experiences.

~Analyzing your holding coins or coins you want to invest
Do not invest in any coins that you don't really understand and know well about it. You must analyze the potential of every coins you have. You can classify them into some categories. For long term holding or short term holding.

~Installing a price ticker 
The price ticker can alert you whenever the price fluctuates. That is why, it is better to install on smartphone. Depending on the price, you can make wise investment decisions.

~Trading bots
You are better to start using a trading bot with API enabled will help do the trading. For amateur traders, it is one of the best cryptocurrency trading strategy.

2022-10-27 05:52:24

These things must be considered by all traders in order to get the success in crypto trading. You explain quite detail on the thread above. Well, I don't apply all the strategies you stated on the thread, It is very complete. I just do 3 things for my trading: learning more, update crypto + market news, and studying the potential of coins. I may consider to use the rests on your list above. It seems very interesting to use.