Do not trust any influencers that speak negative about Cardano they are hypesters and conmen.
Cardano is the #1 Decentralized asset in the entire Crypto space. #2 is Algorand.
Anyone who does not understand how important Peer review projects are for this space is Fradusters and Shillers. When Billions of dollars is on the line and life savings and our families future are at risk we should all embrace this approach.
Do not trust any influencers that speak negative about Cardano they are hypesters and conmen. Cardano is the #1 Decentralized asset in the entire Crypto space. #2 is Algorand. Anyone who does not understand how important Peer review projects are for this space is Fradusters and Shillers. When Billions of dollars is on the line and life savings and our families future are at risk we should all embrace this approach.