• Look closely at a snowflake, and you’ll observe a one-of-a-kind gossamer lattice, its growth influenced by ambient conditions like temperature and humidity. Turns out, this sort of intricate self-assemblage can also occur in metals, researchers report. In pools of molten gallium, physicist Nicola Gaston and colleagues grew zinc nanostructures with symmetrical, hexagonal crystal frameworks (shown). After mixing zinc into the gallium, the team subjected the alloy to elevated temperatures and different pressures, and then let the mixture cool to room temperature. Gallium’s loose ordering of atoms appeared to coax the crystallizing zinc to bloom into structures resembling natural snowflakes and other shapes, the team found. Figuring out how to craft tiny, complex metal shapes in fewer steps and with less energy could be a boon for manufacturers.

    (: S.A. Idrus-Saidi et al/Science 2022)

    #science #chemistry #gallium #zinc #snowflake #microscope #crystal #microstructure
    Look closely at a snowflake, and you’ll observe a one-of-a-kind gossamer lattice, its growth influenced by ambient conditions like temperature and humidity. Turns out, this sort of intricate self-assemblage can also occur in metals, researchers report. In pools of molten gallium, physicist Nicola Gaston and colleagues grew zinc nanostructures with symmetrical, hexagonal crystal frameworks (shown). After mixing zinc into the gallium, the team subjected the alloy to elevated temperatures and different pressures, and then let the mixture cool to room temperature. Gallium’s loose ordering of atoms appeared to coax the crystallizing zinc to bloom into structures resembling natural snowflakes and other shapes, the team found. Figuring out how to craft tiny, complex metal shapes in fewer steps and with less energy could be a boon for manufacturers. (📸: S.A. Idrus-Saidi et al/Science 2022) #science #chemistry #gallium #zinc #snowflake #microscope #crystal #microstructure