Happy New Year from the Eventbrite team!

2016 was a busy one, as we published over 450 posts totalling more than 420,000 words; and we’re committed to making sure the blog in 2017 will be just as full of new ideas, innovations and inspiration for event planners across the UK.

So to kick-off the new year, we’re going to take a quick look back at the 10 most shared posts from the Brite Blog in 2016. If you missed any of them, now’s your chance to catch-up!

1. 100 Movers & Shakers in the UK Events Industry

Who’s driving the UK events industry forward? Who are the innovators and game changers? Find out in our peer nominated list of 100 Movers & Shakers in the UK events Industry.

2. 6 Steps to Avoid Burnout as an Event Manager

If you’re worried about the damage your hectic life as an event manager might be doing to your wellbeing, here are 6 steps you can take to avoid burnout.

3. 10 Things that Event Managers Will Never Get Right

It’s a cliche that you can’t please everyone, but when you’re an event planner that can be a daily headache. Here are 10 things you’ll just never get right!

4. The Event Trends That Will Shape Your 2017: Over 50 Expert Predictions

What event trends will impact your role & events in 2017? We called on 53 event industry leaders to look into their crystal ball, & here’s what they saw.

5. Eventbrite Pulse Report 2016: All the Event Industry Statistics You Need To Know

The Pulse Report reveals the event industry statistics, benchmarks, opportunities, challenges and trends you need to know.

6. The Ultimate Guide to Free Event Promotion Ideas

58 fantastic and free event promotion ideas to help make your events a sell out success every time.

7. 13 Event Planning Tools to Make You More Efficient

“Work smarter, not harder” and get more done, more efficiently with these brilliant event planning tools that will boost your productivity.

8. 7 Surprising Things Even Event Planning Veterans Get Wrong

Whether you are new to event planning or a veteran, there are still a number of surprising mistakes eventprofs make. Are you still making them?

9. 6 Examples of Event Promotion Gone Horribly Wrong

Sometimes even experienced marketers get event promotion wrong. Check out these embarrassing fails to avoid the same fate.

10. First 90 Days: How to Make a Positive Impact at Work

12 experts share advice on surviving and thriving in the first 90 days so you make a positive impact at work from the get go.

We hope you have a great 2017!