If you thought

had great results, wait until you see what this new model from Google Brain can do. 

Dalle-e is amazing but often lacks realism, and this is what the team attacked with this new model called Imagen. 

They share a lot of results on their project page as well as a benchmark, which they introduced for comparing text-to-image models, where they clearly outperform

, and previous image generation approaches. Learn more in the video...



►Read the full article: https://www.louisbouchard.ai/google-brain-imagen/
►Paper: Saharia et al., 2022, Imagen - Google Brain, https://gweb-research-imagen.appspot.com/paper.pdf
►Project link: https://gweb-research-imagen.appspot.com/
►My Newsletter (A new AI application explained weekly to your emails!): https://www.louisbouchard.ai/newsletter/

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