CowDAO is an open organization of developers, traders, market makers and many more community members aligned with its vision. CowDAO is focused on fair and decentralized trading systems — in particular, building, maintaining and advancing the Cow Protocol. Cow Protocol technology powers a network of traders and solvers, enabling trustless and efficient peer-to-peer trading.

As already guessed in our retroactive airdrop overview, CowSwap is airdropping a total of 10,000,000 vCOW to early traders, GNO holders & CoW POAP holders. The snapshot was taken on January 10th, 2022 at block 13974427 for Ethereum Chain & block 20024195 for Gnosis Chain. Users who’ve traded on either Ethereum or Gnosis Chain at least once for a total of $1,000 or have done at least 5 trades, users who held at least 0.1 GNO on either Ethereum or Gnosis Chain and users who have been awarded CoW POAPs are eligible to claim the airdrop.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the CowSwap airdrop claim page.
  2. Connect your ETH or Gnosis wallet.
  3. If you’re eligible then you will be able to claim free vCOW tokens,
  4. Users who’re eligible for 10,000 vCOW tokens or less have to claim it on Gnosis Chain.
  5. Users who’ve traded on either Ethereum or Gnosis Chain at least once for a total of $1,000 or have done at least 5 trades, users who held at least 0.1 GNO on either Ethereum or Gnosis Chain and users who have been awarded CoW POAPs by the snapshot date are eligible to claim the airdrop.
  6. The snapshot was taken on January 10th, 2022 at block 13974427 for Ethereum Chain & block 20024195 for Gnosis Chain.
  7. For more information regarding the airdrop, see this Medium article.