• CoinMarketCap has placed Shiba Inu (SHIB) in the 15th position on its list in terms of market cap.
  • Cardano is currently worth $0.00001252 after a 6.22% price increase over 24 hours.
  • The price of SHIB currently hovers around a key resistance level on the 4-hour chart.

CoinMarketCap has placed Shiba Inu (SHIB) in the 15th position on its list in terms of market cap. This puts SHIB right behind TRON (TRX) in the 14th position and in front of Dai (DAI) in the 16th position.

SHIB is currently worth $0.00001252 after a 6.22% price increase over 24 hours and reaching a high of $0.00001284 over the same time period. This price translates to around 0.000000000411 Bitcoin (BTC) and 0.000000006066 Ethereum (ETH).

When looking at the longer time periods, SHIB saw a 3.27% increase in price over the last week and a 48.17% drop over the last 30 days.

SHIB’s market cap currently stands at $$6,952,965,247. The meme token also saw a 24-hour trading volume of $500,778,424 which is an 85.90% increase from yesterday’s number.