
Quant launched in June 2018 with the goal of connecting blockchains and networks on a global scale, without reducing the efficiency and interoperability of the network. It is the first project to solve the interoperability problem through the creation of the first blockchain operating system.

The project is built as an operating system distributed ledger technology— and Overledger Network — for connecting different blockchain networks. The project is billed as the first OS to be built for blockchains.

The main aim of Quant — using Overledger — is to bridge the gap that exists between different blockchains. The backbone of the project is the Overledger network, which Quant bills as the ecosystem on which the future digital economy ecosystem will be built.

Overledger allows developers to build decentralized multi-chain applications (known as MApps) for their customers. For developers to build a Mapp on the network, they must hold a certain amount of Quant tokens (QNT).


Quant Roadmap

  • July 2015 - The inception of Overledger idea inspired from real-world case studies in industry and government


  • April 2016- October 2016
  • Developed the proposal (ISO/TS/P 258) to create Blockchain Standards based on the original Overledger idea
    Approval received by ISO to establish Blockchain ISO Standard TC307
  • December 2016 - TrustTagTM technology has been developed and a patent filed 1621807.5


  • March 2017
  • Since March 2017 research has been conducted to address the lack of blockchain interoperability. Overledger operating system has been conceptualised. See Quant Network White Paper9
  • October 2017 - Research into Overledger concept and design is completed Quant Network AG is incorporated in Zug (Switzerland)
  • November 2017 - Prototype development
  • December 2017 - Patent filing. Filing of a EU Patent “Blockchain Communications and Ordering” Patent number: 17425121.5-1217


  • December 2017 - March 2018 - Pre-Sale open to institutional investors


  • March - April 2018 - Pre-TGE and Public TGE
  • Q2 2018
  • TrustTagTM first version release
    Open Source SDK - Released v.01a
  • Q3 2018
  • Quant SaaS Product release
    Continue patent filing roadmap. File 3 supporting EU patents.
    File the 4 total patents in other jurisdictions
  • Q1 2019
  • Quant App Store
    Open Source SDK - Released v.01b
  • Q3 2019
  • Quant Enterprise MApps
    Treaty Contracts developed


  • Per 30 Days
Followers : 118 251 VERY HIGH
Tweets : 2 002 VERY HIGH
30 Days Growth : 4164

Quant Team

  • Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

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Registered Country
Switzerland, United Kingdom