About UbiatarPlay ICO

Ubiatar delivers the power of ubiquity with modern mobile technologies, over a high-performance platform. The starting point is a normal smartphone held by a local individual (the Avatar); everything that is seen and heard by the Avatar is sent over the network to the Person at home (Usar) that in turn directs the Avatar so that he/she acts as his/her remote body. The directions are given with a revolutionary GUI (Graphical User Interface) superimposed over the live video stream.

Avatars and Usars will meet on the UbiatarPlay marketplace, just like publishers ofer apps on the Apple Store andGoogle Play to customers all over the world.

The ubiatar network is a peer-to-peer cloud-based, autoscaling, cutting-edge system based on Amazon Web Services data centers. Amazon is one of the biggest and most reliable provider of cloud computing power with worldwide data centers that are the same supporting the Amazon business operations. Uninterruptible, reliable and potentially without processing power limits, this system is the perfect choice for a service that must support and coordinate millions of users all over the world, exchanging low-latency high-quality audio and video streams, even if in a peer-to-peer fashion.

The UbiatarPlay marketplace manages contacts between Usars and Avatars. When two parties agree to start a session, the cloud platform delivers the requested service using specifc servers to probe and set up the best digital connection between the two peers. All the networks and architectures in every layer along the specifc path between the two are automatically detected and passed in the most efective and low delay fashion. This is particularly difcult when company-specifc networks, proxies and frewalls are involved. The software already developed automatically circumvents these complex barriers avoiding the need to open ports and channels on the users' devices. The development of a specifc high-performance web-based app avoids the need to install any software or app on the users' devices; this is crucial in enterprise business environments.

UbiatarPlay ICO Roadmap

  • Q1 2017

  • Ubiatar technology development and worldwide distribution.
  • Q1 2018

  • ICO
  • Q2 2018

  • Marketplace platform development.
  • Q2 2018

  • Wallet and ubiatar card.
  • Q3 2018

  • HumanEmpowermentNetwork.
  • Q3 2018

  • UbiatarPlayLiveBroadcastWorldwide campaign.
  • Q4 2018

  • Narrative and creative cross-cultural contests.
  • Q1 2019

  • Partnerships and structures for large AvatarEcommerceServices.
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