About Productivist

Since blockchain was conceptualized in 2008, its enormous potential has become more and more apparent. Indeed its recent success is a silent acknowledgement that the world is ready to explore the opportunity for everyone to contribute to the management of the data stream which governs it. However, the full potential of this awakening has yet to be implemented across the industries. The Productivist solution comes in answer to the enormous power this technology can offer the manufacturing world in general.

The Productivist blockchain project aims to create an open data stream where private individuals and companies of any scale can contribute to power the Indus- trial Revolution 4.0. The manufacturing world has reached a point where the only solution to prevail is heavy investments, relocations and aggressive management. We, at Productivist, wish to offer an open, free and global alternative thanks to technology.

In 2016 we created Freelabster.com: a collaborative network which connects 3D printing experts to potential clients. This strong and highly skilled network has rapidly grown over the past 2 years and it continues to grow every day. Today we have more than 3000 certi ed Freelabsters, (both companies and individuals) who offer their service to both the private and public sector. The Productivist Block- chain project will not only open the concept of Freelabster to all manufacturing technologies and give them access to a global map of manufacturing capacities but it will also provide security and privacy through its Smart Contract Protocol. 

It is clear that the IoT revolution has opened the way for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 making it possible for production to be handled more ef ciently and locally us- ing smaller and smarter units. Our goal is to create a new standard to a multi-trillion market while maintaining at all times a guarantee of quality, fair pricing and efficiency.

Technical Info

Find our Yellow paper on the Productivist's Github : github.com/Productivist

Productivist Roadmap

  • S1 2016

  • Freelabster is born in France.
  • S2 2016

  • Freelabster open in IT, ES, GER and GB.
  • Q1, 2017

  • Important market research leads to new partnerships with major companies.
  • Q2, 2017

  • Democratization of 3D printing requires a new and more global approach.
  • Q4, 2017

  • The Productivist concept is mature and ready to be devtloped.
  • Q2, 2018

  • Productivist Blockchain Pre ICO.
  • Q1, 2018

  • Token Sale.
  • Q3, 2018

  • The productivist Blockchain Project is launched.
  • Q1, 2018

  • Freelabster is migrated to our Blockchain, token can now be used to purchase services.
  • Q2, 2019

  • The productivist Solution goes live.
  • Q4, 2019

  • The smart device hits beta version.
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