Marketplace is Live and is already the 3rd Biggest Aggregator, even before its launch!! 

Magically Marketplace is thrilled to unveil one of the biggest token Airdrops, featuring a massive distribution of $Magically Tokens to wallets that have traded NFTs on any marketplace within the last 6 months, early users, and AlphaSharks NFT hodlers. Don't miss out on this limited-time opportunity - Act fast!

About Magically

Magically is the most advanced marketplace featuring the lowest trading fees (0%) out of Blur, OpenSea, X2Y2, and LooksRare, but they also aggregate liquidity from all of them. This ensures you are always looking at the best trades available. Here is a Video comparing aggregation speeds of Blur vs Magically!

With the launch of Magically, trading NFTs will change forever. Magically offers a one-stop shop for buying and selling NFTs with all the necessary analytics and data feeds, aggregated from all the popular marketplaces in one easy-to-use dashboard that helps you make more informed trading decisions.

If you are currently using any paid analytics tools, you'll be amazed to see how Magically dominates at everything and is accessible for $0 with no trading fee.

How to join the Magically ?

Requirements to earn free crypto coins

Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Magically Airdrops, Allocations, and Eligibility''

The $Magically Airdrop will be airdropped in 3 parts. The first Airdrop is now live! 

▪️ Community Airdrop 1 (Live): Airdrop 1 Magic Crates are already claimable for a short limited time:

  1. Airdrop 1 is available for all the wallets that have traded on any marketplace within the last 6 months (snapshot completed). This includes trades made on OpenseaLooksRareX2Y2 and other aggregators. 
    The first 10,000 wallets to claim their Airdrop will be rewarded with an additional crate. 
  2. You can reveal your crates from 5th February onwards, and any unrevealed crates after this date will be terminated automatically. Legendary and Rare crates contain significantly more $Magically than Uncommon. 

▪️ Airdrop for AlphaSharks NFT Hodlers:

  1. A part of the total $Magically supply has been allocated to the AlphaSharks NFT Hodlers. 
  2. Staked AlphaSharks NFTs will be eligible for an additional $Magically Airdrop. The amount of total $Shark earned plays a major role in this Airdrop. 

▪️ Community Airdrop 2 (Coming Soon): Airdrop 2 is live and being calculated. Your winnings will be revealed in February. This Airdrop is rewarded based on your activity on the Magically marketplace. The more actively you trade, the more you win. Here's what you can do to ensure a larger Airdrop:

  1. Use Magically as your primary trading platform & Maintain a high Listing score by listing better deals on Magically.
  2. Complete 3 weekly achievements every week & Maintain a 95% Loyalty Score.

▪️ Community Airdrop 3 (Coming Soon): Airdrop 3 will be launched in late February 2023. It'll be the biggest and the last Airdrop, here's what you can do to prepare yourself for it:

  1. Maintaining a High Loyalty score is key for a bigger Airdrop 3. After the launch, Trading Rewards will kick in. All trades made via Magically will earn $Magically tokens.
  2. Promote Magically on Twitter: All wallets can claim an additional crate by promoting Magically on Twitter. This is only claimable for 24 hours of Magically launch.
  3. Try to complete at least 3 weekly achievements to earn additional crates.
  4. Accumulate listing points by creating top 100 by price listings for trending collections.

▪️ Additional Airdrop Allocations:

  1. Staking Rewards: An allocation of $Magically will be earned by staking the $Magically token.
  2. Ambassador Rewards: As an ambassador, you earn $Magically and unlock access to Magically Pro